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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back again with GREAT NEWS! catch up...

I think my Thyroid has settled.

Both IM and I flew up to Sydney in Novemember for first cycle. (Bloods and follicle tracking ultrasounds done down here). We arrived at Genea very nervous and excited. Unfortunately we were taken into a small room to be told by the embryologist that there was only one wee embryo survived that was even worth THINKING about implanting. It was still behind in developing so my IM decided not to have it transferred and we spent the rest of the day quite down waiting for out flight back t Melbourne. Turns out it was the correct thing to to , as the next day the embry stopped progressing all together.

We did however have a lovely YUm Cha lunch and spent the afternoon chatting and planning strategies for take two!

My next cycle was to fall on Christmas Day, typical. Good ole iPhone app telling me all I need to know - go Period Tracker! Lol! So we decided not to proceed for this cycle.

Fast forward to January...

Bloods taken, follicle tracking done and we were ready again. There were only 4 embryos left, so the embryologists told us she would check them first thing in the morning an give a call to let us know if they made it... The first two rolled over earlier in the week so we had TWO left...we boarded the lane at 6.30am and left out phones on till the last second.

Landing, taxing to the gate we both switched on ur phones..I had two calls, but IM had THE text!!!!! One had survived!! Lucky number 9 embryo!!!! We were so excited and just wanted to get off the plane! It was my IM 50th birthday too :)Wow! It's been a while... Guess I lost heart there for a while..I am not a great blogger at the best of times!

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