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Thursday, July 25, 2013

29 weeks

I am a crap blogger..did I mention that already?

So Ive reached 29weeks now, we had a growth scan on wednesday and she is measuring 29+3 days, so bang on the money.  No wonder I feel small...mine were always a week or so ahead! LOL!

I have been stressing lately trying to sort out what happens after the birth and who can babysit my kids...I had forgotten, A) its over school holiday period and B) Hubby begins his "Im so busy I rarely see you" time at work!

I am working on a few options.

Iron levels are so low, they are bottoming surprise, thats pretty standed with my pregnancies.  Mouth Ulcers, heart palpitations, fainting, breathlessness etc...pain in the bum!  I will get stuff done in bursts, then sit down and rest or just mildly pass out for a few seconds, lol!  Got some liquid Iron now so that should sort it out :)

Most evenings I sit there reading or on the laptop with my iphone handy trying to catch her wiggling in my tummy for J and P...shes so naughty..every time I hit record she stops!!  I will catch her out one day!!  I cant wait to show J and P the Alien like movement..its such a cool part of pregnancy!

Before our Ultrasound I met them at Babies r Us and while J distracted Miss 3 I wandered around with P showing her different things and explaining what works, stuff Id used, and just general bits n bobs.
Loved how when I pointed out wash cloths she excitedly grabbed some and said, "Pink of course!"  Made me smile :)

I also spoke to her about if she wanted me to give baby colostrum for the first day.  I am happy to do that as it will kick start her immune system.  She shyly asks, but it wont make you uncomfortable will it?  To which I laughed and said, um, hello? and pointed to my size 18 arse and matching belly! LOL!  I am quite happy to feed Skippy colostrum for  her 'birth' day :)  Then I explained how milk dosnt come in for at least 3 days so it wont make a difference at all to my boobie comfort ;)

Currently from the ultrasound baby is sitting in the frank breech position, she had her knees infront of her face during the 4D so it was hard to get a cute pic! (which I dont have any as my mobile was dead and I didnt want to ask for one..)

Still plenty of time to turn, so not worried about it at all, only it was really amusing to see!