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Monday, April 29, 2013

17 weeks and Discussion on Compo.

Suppose I need to catch up here..I am so crap at blogs..I have too much other crap to do! LOL~!

So The Tuesday after my Asthma appointment I had a Physio appointment near the Royal Woman's with a lady that 'specialises' in Pelvic Dysfunction.

Was running late to get to IPs as just barely missed being in a car scene stuff...the car slewed past and cut across me before crashing into a driveway and car parked in it.  I pulled over quickly and ran across thinking there would be not a happy picture.  Luckily guys were fine, but shaken.  Seems the car they had been on a test drive with (2006 Alfa) had gone out of control, they had no power steering, no brakes and no air bags..was nuts.  Left details with police and continued to IPs.  They were getting worried as I am usually early or on

Ayla hung out with John again (big grin and cuddles, she thinks he is the ants pants!) and Pam and I headed into the city.

Slightly late for appointment.  Was ok, but didn't teach me anything I wasn doing already to minimise pain and acceleration of the disorder.  Oh well.  Nice lunch and chat and then home again.

Cant believe I am 17 weeks today (Monday)  Pretty cool.  Its going fairly fast :)

While away showing over the weekend It came to my attention that my friends were being asked "what I was being paid"  I did know that this would come up sooner or later.  Doesn't bother me, its a legit question. :)  Also like I am sure there are plenty who will not believe I am not being paid at all too.  Meh.  I did post on my FB page the explanation about Australian Altruistic surrogacy. 

I am also a member of the Surrogate Australia FB page and it seems there are woman offering their 'services' for large gifts (car/holiday etc) or an amount of money.  See, this is why I'm not a fan of compo.  There will always be a % of people to exploit those desperate to have a baby. 

Here below is what I was a little shocked to read..but not surprised :"(

Just a reminder for everyone on this group who is considering surrogacy in Australia as we have had a few incidences lately where surrogates have been asking for money or IP's have been offering it. Commercial surrogacy is illegal in Australia. Every state law has certified that it is illegal for a surrogate to benefit financially through surrogacy. This includes gifts of car's or expensive holidays. If you are found to be paying your surrogate you are putting your ability to obtain a parentage order at risk. Further, if you are found to be in an Australian arrangement that includes financial gain other than expenses from now on you will immediately be removed from the group.
Unlike · · Follow Post · Yesterday at 8:44am near Brisbane, Queensland

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yay! Asthma sorted!

Another day, another appointment :)

I went and picked IM up and dropped Miss3 to hang out with IM and off we headed to the Respiratory Specialist.

Was well worth the visit.

Seems my lung capacity was slightly less then half of what it should , as I surprised, nope.  It was fascinating to watch the little lines on his peak flow on his computer thingy and see just where I was at. 

He was almost shocked when I said I was having a good day and I had used Ventolin about 40min before.  I should have been in hospital! whoops.  

The other night I did consider the ER, but ended up heading to that useless GP....

So, Conclusion:  I have some kind of tablet (pkt is in kitchen so cant read what it is) for 5 days to rid inflammation.  I also have to take day and night (grabs it and reads) "Pulmicort 400" and back again for a check with him in 3 weeks.

He was a lovely Dr.  treated us like humans and was very pleasant and helpful.  I wish they could all be like this!

Once again I am away in the wee hours of the morning...

We have an appointment today with the Physio that specialises in my Pelvis situation in the city.  Alya (Miss 3) is excited to be going to hang out with 'her John' again! lol!

So in the last two weeks it seems everything is sorting itself out.  IM is becoming less stressed and enjoying 'her' pregnancy more too, which is lovely :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

An argument with an Ob/Gyn...


So now my IM totally understands what I am talking about when Ive been saying I was worried about seeing a pushy Ob...

After eventually finding a carpark two blocks from the hospital where his office is, we slowly made our way there.  Slowly as most of the time I have this shuffle, keeping the top of my thighs together as I walk to minimise pelvis movement and pain.

We had our appointment and went in as the Dr called us.  First half of the meeting was pleasant.  We even checked baby on his mini ultrasound, all going well.  He referred me to an Asthma specialist (got in on Monday due to a cancellation :) ) and rewrote me another blood test up to check what my thyroid is doing.

Then came the questions about having him for delivery...

Me: So I have delivered 3 babies by myself, naturally.  How do you feel about this?

Dr:  Oh I will deliver baby

Me: (with hand motions) so..I can just reach down and gently pull baby up to my tummy like this...(show him)

Dr:  Mmm, do I can do that.

Me: But so can I, Ive proved it....

Dr: How about we BOTH do it?  Smiling like it was a wonderful suggestion.

WTF??  Um, no.  He said I could hire a birth pool..but my bet is if the above is the case, in the throws of transition I would be hauled out and placed either on the floor or bed so he could 'deliver baby 'safely'

Did I mention W..T...F???!!!

I shut up and got ready to leave and as we left my IM whispering to me said the same, WTF, LOL!!  I see what you mean no no no...definitely not coming here!

So, I am very relieved.  I know P knows how I feel now and I also know she trusts me to be able to deliver her precious bundle safely.

I mean, where to Obs get off implying you cannot do what you have done wonder there are so many interventions!  Sure if I had never delivered before myself etc, sure go for it.  

IM also rang Mitcham Private and out of 9 Ob/gyns there was only 1 (yes 1!) they could trust not to interfere and then kick up a stink if you told them back off!!  Crazy.  They also said I could labour in the bath but they would pull the plug when in transition...sigh.  Uh, people, that is my pain relief, why would you take it away now??  Oh yeah, 'hospital policy' 

So...we are still up in the air with no where to go..I'm guessing Mitcham will be it...

Le Sigh.

But really, don't piss me off when I'm in really, just don't.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Whinge Warning!!

Feeling a bit sorry for myself.  My Asthma is out of control and it seems I have a bit of an infection on the lungs which doesn't help either.  I had been to my GP on Sunday to get something more for my Asthma, as Ventolin was not cutting it and I was still taking almost every hour.  He gave me Intel and Antibiotics.  Last night however I just felt worse and worse, as well as lacking air, I felt pretty crap too (headache, nausea, dizziness and chills) and ended up in tears on the couch after I had put kids to bed.  My gorgeous eldest son came down and gave me a cuddle.  DH came home from work and sent me to Dr again (they are open until 10pm.

Well, soooo not it was 9.30pm I could tell all he cared about was closing time...he checked nothing just read his screen and prescribed me some more Asthma stuff and sent me out.   I hate going to Drs at the best of times and need to feel pretty crap to go...obviously I wasn't half dead and just fine really.  Came home went to bed.  Still feel pretty blah this morning.


My pelvis isn't so hot either, so between not being able to breath and my hips clicking and pain shooting I feel pretty useless.  It just frustrates me no end as I am struggling to get day to day thing done, let alone things I enjoy (ie dog showing)  My weight is also spiralling out of control which gives me the sh*ts too.  Ive actually never had a pregnancy as bad as this, so that sucks.  

I haven't said much to my IM, what for?  After all its not forever :)

So I am using this blog as a bit of an outlet, apologies if anyone actually reads it.  

BUT other then that, baby is growing well, looking great, is healthy and staying put and that's why I am here :)  I love looking at her wee profile in her latest scan.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

15 weeks and Amnio

Well once again I'm wide awake at I thought id catch up because I'm such a slack arse at writing blogs.

So yesterday I was 15 weeks 3 days (according to the ultrasound).

My Amnio had rolled up and I had made myself pretty nervous (note to self: DO NOT GOOGLE)..  My dear hubby arrived while Pam, her mum and I were in the waiting room.  I'm so glad he could grab an hour off work to be there for me :)

My other kids were home with John (MIL and IF do not get on at all apparently, so it was a perfect situation) Boys had a curriculum day so were home as well, after finishing two weeks holiday.


The nurse/receptionist took me to the wee dressing room to get changed into that gorgeous gown that reminds me of an 80's pregnancy smock.  Then she bought Andrew in and showed us to a nice little private waiting room.  Andrew and I promptly fell asleep.

After our little nap (lol) we were shown into ultrasound room and the lovely tech explained that she would show Pam and her mum in, show them the baby and do all the checks, then show them out so it would just be me and Andrew for the procedure.  Fine with me.

Baby looked gorgeous.  Measured a day over what my dates were and everything came up looking great.  Pam cried, so I reached out and grabbed her hand.  She said, she has never got this far before so was a bit overwhelmed by it all.  Bless.

They were shown out after a nice 15 min.  Andrew then sat behind me and I held his hands as the procedure was done.  Baby behaved and stayed out of the way :)  

So it stung, I cramped a little, but I had scared myself stupid for nothing!  I did ask for a smiley bandaid..or a 'Dora"  but unfortunately was left with an ordinary brown one ;)

Off to the wee room again where I was given a pillow and blanket and I put my stinky feet up on Andrew and we snoozed again, before nurse/receptionist came and gave me my Anti-D shot in the arse. (I am B- blood type)

All felt good so out we went to meet Pam and MIL, booked the 20 week and went downstairs for a coffee.  (I had water..not a coffee fan..)  Here we once again discussed birthing options and Ob/gyn's...yes I still have no idea where this baby will be born.

By the way, its a GIRL! (pics to come)

Just want to add, I was on a real high as the evening before I had supported my gorgeous friend in her wonderful home birth.