I was dearly looking forward to my afternoon nap today, luckily Miss 3 went down for her sleep easily so as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out! Some days I can bearly keep my eyes open!
Dr from Hospital rang...well for about the 5th time according to my phone, put him on speaker on school pickup. My Thyroid is still crap and my iron levels are bottomed out...figured that already, so no surprises there.
Still need to do my gestational diabetes testing, but trying to find a spare 3 hours, not so easy at present!
Hit 30 weeks today, yay! Almost at countdown stage :)
My pelvis is playing up a bit again, I assume because bubs is gaining weight steadily now. I have to lift my legs mostly in and out of car and to cross them, lol :) Slow and steady.
Nothing else exciting to report :)
Australian Surrogate, now going for Second Time! Birth Mother of One Mum of Three (two Pirates and a Princess) Wife of One Egg Donor and a Passionate Dog Breeder and Exhibitor
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Thursday, August 1, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
29 weeks
I am a crap blogger..did I mention that already?
So Ive reached 29weeks now, we had a growth scan on wednesday and she is measuring 29+3 days, so bang on the money. No wonder I feel small...mine were always a week or so ahead! LOL!
I have been stressing lately trying to sort out what happens after the birth and who can babysit my kids...I had forgotten, A) its over school holiday period and B) Hubby begins his "Im so busy I rarely see you" time at work!
I am working on a few options.
Iron levels are so low, they are bottoming out..no surprise, thats pretty standed with my pregnancies. Mouth Ulcers, heart palpitations, fainting, breathlessness etc...pain in the bum! I will get stuff done in bursts, then sit down and rest or just mildly pass out for a few seconds, lol! Got some liquid Iron now so that should sort it out :)
Most evenings I sit there reading or on the laptop with my iphone handy trying to catch her wiggling in my tummy for J and P...shes so naughty..every time I hit record she stops!! I will catch her out one day!! I cant wait to show J and P the Alien like movement..its such a cool part of pregnancy!
Before our Ultrasound I met them at Babies r Us and while J distracted Miss 3 I wandered around with P showing her different things and explaining what works, stuff Id used, and just general bits n bobs.
Loved how when I pointed out wash cloths she excitedly grabbed some and said, "Pink of course!" Made me smile :)
I also spoke to her about if she wanted me to give baby colostrum for the first day. I am happy to do that as it will kick start her immune system. She shyly asks, but it wont make you uncomfortable will it? To which I laughed and said, um, hello? and pointed to my size 18 arse and matching belly! LOL! I am quite happy to feed Skippy colostrum for her 'birth' day :) Then I explained how milk dosnt come in for at least 3 days so it wont make a difference at all to my boobie comfort ;)
Currently from the ultrasound baby is sitting in the frank breech position, she had her knees infront of her face during the 4D so it was hard to get a cute pic! (which I dont have any as my mobile was dead and I didnt want to ask for one..)
So Ive reached 29weeks now, we had a growth scan on wednesday and she is measuring 29+3 days, so bang on the money. No wonder I feel small...mine were always a week or so ahead! LOL!
I have been stressing lately trying to sort out what happens after the birth and who can babysit my kids...I had forgotten, A) its over school holiday period and B) Hubby begins his "Im so busy I rarely see you" time at work!
I am working on a few options.
Iron levels are so low, they are bottoming out..no surprise, thats pretty standed with my pregnancies. Mouth Ulcers, heart palpitations, fainting, breathlessness etc...pain in the bum! I will get stuff done in bursts, then sit down and rest or just mildly pass out for a few seconds, lol! Got some liquid Iron now so that should sort it out :)
Most evenings I sit there reading or on the laptop with my iphone handy trying to catch her wiggling in my tummy for J and P...shes so naughty..every time I hit record she stops!! I will catch her out one day!! I cant wait to show J and P the Alien like movement..its such a cool part of pregnancy!
Before our Ultrasound I met them at Babies r Us and while J distracted Miss 3 I wandered around with P showing her different things and explaining what works, stuff Id used, and just general bits n bobs.
Loved how when I pointed out wash cloths she excitedly grabbed some and said, "Pink of course!" Made me smile :)
I also spoke to her about if she wanted me to give baby colostrum for the first day. I am happy to do that as it will kick start her immune system. She shyly asks, but it wont make you uncomfortable will it? To which I laughed and said, um, hello? and pointed to my size 18 arse and matching belly! LOL! I am quite happy to feed Skippy colostrum for her 'birth' day :) Then I explained how milk dosnt come in for at least 3 days so it wont make a difference at all to my boobie comfort ;)
Currently from the ultrasound baby is sitting in the frank breech position, she had her knees infront of her face during the 4D so it was hard to get a cute pic! (which I dont have any as my mobile was dead and I didnt want to ask for one..)
Still plenty of time to turn, so not worried about it at all, only it was really amusing to see!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
25 weeks today!! WHOO HOO
soooo, thats 15 weeks to go! OMG where has the time gone!!
Feeling pretty good :) Ive gotta quit whinging!!
I cant get over how small my belly is still, so cute! (well its small for me, lol!) Baby Skippy is still a bit of a night owl, especially loves 2am, lol!! Lucky I have an awesome library with some great books..and theres always FB..ha!
Pelvis is still pretty happy with the steroids as is the asthma. All well controlled :) Fairly pain free which is great!
Ive decided to just take a big deep breath and think 'whatever happens, happens' no point in worrying over birth etc, it just stresses me out too much. Have a midwife appointment on Friday, will just smile and nod ;)
I hate winter.
I do however enjoy these glorious sunny days we have been having..yup, its cold in the morning, but later, beautiful! I get far more done on these days, get a bit of pep in my step! lol!
Haven't been showing lately, cant be bothered really. I have pups too which i am enjoying :) I have a few enteries ready to go..but thats if I get them in the mail or not!!
I have some photos on my iphone and will upload them when I download them on my big PC...a nice belly shot at 24 weeks :)
Feeling pretty good :) Ive gotta quit whinging!!
I cant get over how small my belly is still, so cute! (well its small for me, lol!) Baby Skippy is still a bit of a night owl, especially loves 2am, lol!! Lucky I have an awesome library with some great books..and theres always FB..ha!
Pelvis is still pretty happy with the steroids as is the asthma. All well controlled :) Fairly pain free which is great!
Ive decided to just take a big deep breath and think 'whatever happens, happens' no point in worrying over birth etc, it just stresses me out too much. Have a midwife appointment on Friday, will just smile and nod ;)
I hate winter.
I do however enjoy these glorious sunny days we have been having..yup, its cold in the morning, but later, beautiful! I get far more done on these days, get a bit of pep in my step! lol!
Haven't been showing lately, cant be bothered really. I have pups too which i am enjoying :) I have a few enteries ready to go..but thats if I get them in the mail or not!!
I have some photos on my iphone and will upload them when I download them on my big PC...a nice belly shot at 24 weeks :)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
24 weeks and Im a Drama Illama!
Where to start...?
I haven't written in a bit as it got a bit emotionally draining for a while.
Eldest son is being sorted, its looking positive for now.
I am 24 weeks as of yesterday. But its not been smooth..well the pregnancy has but everything else..sheeeeeesh, add the 'S' word to anything and it just seems to cause confusion and trouble...far out, I was getting so angry, confused and upset..
Ok..I have given birth 4 times...the last 3 were fast, easy and with no drugs or intervention..so you think the 5 would be simple right? Hmmmm, well sure it would be but it has the word "Surrogacy" attached..OMFG!!!!! Someone get me some gas now to deal with people!!!!!
Started off as I had to rearrange my midwife appointment as my girl decided to whelp and I was delivering them and wasn't going to leave...'my' Midwife says, "oh it doesn't matter you've been shifted to Specialist Midwifery Care". Wait. What? No one told me!? I ask "whhhhyyy?"
"Um er, um...oh your on anti-depressants, are 35 and have asthma issues..oh and your a surrogate.."
Wait. What?
Did ANYONE look at my records from previous births/pregnancies??? Yes, I had asthma, yes I've always been on Anti-depressants - I am a chemical depressive, so I treat my depression as a Diabetic treats Diabetes. I take my meds, I am ok.
Seems my hopes of having an intervention free birth in a calm environment were slipping out of reach. You see people, the way I see it is THE BIRTH is what I get to take home...take that away from me and what am I left with, shit memories...which should be beautiful.
Got off phone blubbering, emotional wreck, rang IM..she was horrified too!
The I left it. I had too. Sometimes I just close off and have to stop processing things until I feel ready to deal with them.
Hubby was wonderful as he knows how important it is I get the birth I want, once again, poor fella <3
Fast forward to this week..
A Midwife Helen rings to see why I wasn't at an appointment...erm, what appointment? Seems I had been lost in translation and no one had actually told me!
So I began to have a long chat to her, and was pleasantly surprised. She was lovely, and explained things to me about Specialist Midwifery. (Seems in my case it was so we could schedule extra appointments, longer appointments etc, not because of my 'conditions'
Today I had my OB appointment, Midwife Kate was attending too...sooo relieved. OB was lovely and unless my 'conditions' play up I wont have to see her again, although she's actually one OB I think would be pretty cool...(whoa, did I really say that?!)
Midwife Kate was also awesome and if the other two attached to SMC are the same it will be totally cool. I am feeling so RELIEVED for sure! We also had a meeting with the Social Worker for the Hospital..that my friends is another page I think...I get so mentally fatigued by it all sometimes....the short of it all, she is lovely but there is only so much she can do..
Baby Skippy is getting more vigorous, and measuring well. Heartbeat great. The OB did book me into growth ultrasounds at 28 and 34/6 weeks to watch babies growth.
She still seems to be a night owl and I find myself reading/on computer at about 2am every few nights! lol!!
Interesting to write is that Ive been craving asian food like mad...Ive never really been interested in rice and noodles etc..but boy does Skippy say nom nom nom now!!
After appointment yesterday IPs, I and Miss 3 went for Yum Cha, mmmmmmm :) (I made more mess then the 3 year old!)
I have also taught IPs how to buy second hand, near new baby stuff! (ie source what you are after, note name and product number and then go ebay or gumtree it!! 9/10 someone has had only one baby and ready to sell! ;) ) They have got some super cute clothes and an awesome pram already :)
I haven't written in a bit as it got a bit emotionally draining for a while.
Eldest son is being sorted, its looking positive for now.
I am 24 weeks as of yesterday. But its not been smooth..well the pregnancy has but everything else..sheeeeeesh, add the 'S' word to anything and it just seems to cause confusion and trouble...far out, I was getting so angry, confused and upset..
Ok..I have given birth 4 times...the last 3 were fast, easy and with no drugs or intervention..so you think the 5 would be simple right? Hmmmm, well sure it would be but it has the word "Surrogacy" attached..OMFG!!!!! Someone get me some gas now to deal with people!!!!!
Started off as I had to rearrange my midwife appointment as my girl decided to whelp and I was delivering them and wasn't going to leave...'my' Midwife says, "oh it doesn't matter you've been shifted to Specialist Midwifery Care". Wait. What? No one told me!? I ask "whhhhyyy?"
"Um er, um...oh your on anti-depressants, are 35 and have asthma issues..oh and your a surrogate.."
Wait. What?
Did ANYONE look at my records from previous births/pregnancies??? Yes, I had asthma, yes I've always been on Anti-depressants - I am a chemical depressive, so I treat my depression as a Diabetic treats Diabetes. I take my meds, I am ok.
Seems my hopes of having an intervention free birth in a calm environment were slipping out of reach. You see people, the way I see it is THE BIRTH is what I get to take home...take that away from me and what am I left with, shit memories...which should be beautiful.
Got off phone blubbering, emotional wreck, rang IM..she was horrified too!
The I left it. I had too. Sometimes I just close off and have to stop processing things until I feel ready to deal with them.
Hubby was wonderful as he knows how important it is I get the birth I want, once again, poor fella <3
Fast forward to this week..
A Midwife Helen rings to see why I wasn't at an appointment...erm, what appointment? Seems I had been lost in translation and no one had actually told me!
So I began to have a long chat to her, and was pleasantly surprised. She was lovely, and explained things to me about Specialist Midwifery. (Seems in my case it was so we could schedule extra appointments, longer appointments etc, not because of my 'conditions'
Today I had my OB appointment, Midwife Kate was attending too...sooo relieved. OB was lovely and unless my 'conditions' play up I wont have to see her again, although she's actually one OB I think would be pretty cool...(whoa, did I really say that?!)
Midwife Kate was also awesome and if the other two attached to SMC are the same it will be totally cool. I am feeling so RELIEVED for sure! We also had a meeting with the Social Worker for the Hospital..that my friends is another page I think...I get so mentally fatigued by it all sometimes....the short of it all, she is lovely but there is only so much she can do..
Baby Skippy is getting more vigorous, and measuring well. Heartbeat great. The OB did book me into growth ultrasounds at 28 and 34/6 weeks to watch babies growth.
She still seems to be a night owl and I find myself reading/on computer at about 2am every few nights! lol!!
Interesting to write is that Ive been craving asian food like mad...Ive never really been interested in rice and noodles etc..but boy does Skippy say nom nom nom now!!
After appointment yesterday IPs, I and Miss 3 went for Yum Cha, mmmmmmm :) (I made more mess then the 3 year old!)
I have also taught IPs how to buy second hand, near new baby stuff! (ie source what you are after, note name and product number and then go ebay or gumtree it!! 9/10 someone has had only one baby and ready to sell! ;) ) They have got some super cute clothes and an awesome pram already :)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
My eldest...
My eldest breaks my heart.
Finally got him into a child Psychologist today. Hopefully this will help him. After my obligatory parent 20 mins for the first session to explain why we were here and what was happening, he went in.
And you know what? He came out...HAPPY...that made me happy. I am hoping he can get some of his worries of his chest and start to feel like a kid again, happy, carefree etc.. To be 11 and be so emotionally distressed is not good and it breaks my heart to see it.
This has been such a long term thing...Grade 1, I have been back and forth between GPs, Specialist, dietitians, Ear/eye Drs, teachers, Royal Children's Hospital Behaviour Clinic and I really think this is my last port of call.
I want him to be happy.
I want him to enjoy school.
I want him to be an active part of our family.
Unfortunately he inherited my crappy genetics. (Hence why I would never donate eggs or do a traditional surrogacy) Ok 1/4 kids to inherit is not bad statistic, but to watch my child suffer because its in his genes...no.
Anyhoo, enough about B...
Skippy is getting bigger, Tummy is getting bigger and I feel her more and more now. I even felt her by putting my hand on my tummy tonight and got a little poke :)
Nawww, cant wait until they are stronger and IM and IF can feel them too :)
Finally got him into a child Psychologist today. Hopefully this will help him. After my obligatory parent 20 mins for the first session to explain why we were here and what was happening, he went in.
And you know what? He came out...HAPPY...that made me happy. I am hoping he can get some of his worries of his chest and start to feel like a kid again, happy, carefree etc.. To be 11 and be so emotionally distressed is not good and it breaks my heart to see it.
This has been such a long term thing...Grade 1, I have been back and forth between GPs, Specialist, dietitians, Ear/eye Drs, teachers, Royal Children's Hospital Behaviour Clinic and I really think this is my last port of call.
I want him to be happy.
I want him to enjoy school.
I want him to be an active part of our family.
Unfortunately he inherited my crappy genetics. (Hence why I would never donate eggs or do a traditional surrogacy) Ok 1/4 kids to inherit is not bad statistic, but to watch my child suffer because its in his genes...no.
Anyhoo, enough about B...
Skippy is getting bigger, Tummy is getting bigger and I feel her more and more now. I even felt her by putting my hand on my tummy tonight and got a little poke :)
Nawww, cant wait until they are stronger and IM and IF can feel them too :)
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Just a 2.30AM Blog :) weight, hubby and bubs..Oh my!
Nothing exciting to report, but I'm awake at 2.30AM again so thought Id jot a few things down while its quiet..
Little Miss S is bumping around, I feel her more and more every day..I forgot to post in the Ultrasound Post that she is measuring 2WEEKS AHEAD!! No surprised here, I do big babies, lol! Plus I'm sure everyone seeing me waddle around at dog shows and trying to stay in my suits that are popping at the seams are not surprised! YES I AM FAT...AND PREGNANT...sadly not just Pregnancy fat...LOL Oh well, its only for a few more months and for a good cause :) Thank god for spandex in material!! ;)
On my weight, I'm totally fascinated..I am actually the heaviest I have ever been, pregnant or not..I was at my current weight after i gave birth to my first, Corbin...
Interestingly enough my weight has not changed but fluctuated between 500 gms up and down over the last 6ish weeks (I have a totally awesome FITBIT scale) I am not a huge garbage guts like normal or even when pregnant and find myself leaving food on my plate (That NEVER happens, preg or no) or just feel full all the time...Also I am craving very healthy food, salads, sandwiches etc
Absolutely no complaints here, I just find it very interesting compared with my other pregnancies...I'm wondering if baby because of different genetics is playing a roll in this? Its also fascinating as now my belly is growing and usually EVERYTHING grows with it (arse, thighs, arms etc..boobs are a given) but looking in the mirror yesterday in my gorgeous IP bought pregnancy dress, I actually looked a lot 'All baby' (This was in the toilets at Hogsbreath Cafe mind you waiting for Miss 3 to go to the toilet...oh and NEWS FLASH I didn't finish my Potato Skins or main course...Hubby asked if I was not feeling well..LMAO..
No new stretch marks either, but then again I have plenty to re-stretch from the others, so I'm not worried by it. Boob are totally massive and annoying. One thing Hubby doesn't complain about, ;)
Just a note on my Hubby.
He is the most amazing man and I thank my lucky stars every day I met him. He puts up with my moods, deals with things when I can't. Is an awesome, super dad. Lets me have my dog showing and all it involves. Works hard to pay bills etc. Sleeps on the couch when he knows he will keep me awake with snoring after long shifts. Cooks for me. Does more then his share of housework. Loves and supports me. Tells me Im beautiful when I am feeling not...OHhhh and remembers our wedding anniversary when I do not!!! I love him and admire him SO MUCH xoxo
Little Miss S is bumping around, I feel her more and more every day..I forgot to post in the Ultrasound Post that she is measuring 2WEEKS AHEAD!! No surprised here, I do big babies, lol! Plus I'm sure everyone seeing me waddle around at dog shows and trying to stay in my suits that are popping at the seams are not surprised! YES I AM FAT...AND PREGNANT...sadly not just Pregnancy fat...LOL Oh well, its only for a few more months and for a good cause :) Thank god for spandex in material!! ;)
On my weight, I'm totally fascinated..I am actually the heaviest I have ever been, pregnant or not..I was at my current weight after i gave birth to my first, Corbin...
Interestingly enough my weight has not changed but fluctuated between 500 gms up and down over the last 6ish weeks (I have a totally awesome FITBIT scale) I am not a huge garbage guts like normal or even when pregnant and find myself leaving food on my plate (That NEVER happens, preg or no) or just feel full all the time...Also I am craving very healthy food, salads, sandwiches etc
Absolutely no complaints here, I just find it very interesting compared with my other pregnancies...I'm wondering if baby because of different genetics is playing a roll in this? Its also fascinating as now my belly is growing and usually EVERYTHING grows with it (arse, thighs, arms etc..boobs are a given) but looking in the mirror yesterday in my gorgeous IP bought pregnancy dress, I actually looked a lot 'All baby' (This was in the toilets at Hogsbreath Cafe mind you waiting for Miss 3 to go to the toilet...oh and NEWS FLASH I didn't finish my Potato Skins or main course...Hubby asked if I was not feeling well..LMAO..
No new stretch marks either, but then again I have plenty to re-stretch from the others, so I'm not worried by it. Boob are totally massive and annoying. One thing Hubby doesn't complain about, ;)
Just a note on my Hubby.
He is the most amazing man and I thank my lucky stars every day I met him. He puts up with my moods, deals with things when I can't. Is an awesome, super dad. Lets me have my dog showing and all it involves. Works hard to pay bills etc. Sleeps on the couch when he knows he will keep me awake with snoring after long shifts. Cooks for me. Does more then his share of housework. Loves and supports me. Tells me Im beautiful when I am feeling not...OHhhh and remembers our wedding anniversary when I do not!!! I love him and admire him SO MUCH xoxo
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sooooo Amazing today!!
Today was our 20 week ultrasound!!!
Here is Baby Skippy! Isnt she gorgeous, and so like her Daddy :)
My appointment was for 9 so the school kids were booked in for morning school care. But guess what?! First morning EVER and all three decide they want to sleep in!!! WTH??!! I had to switch on lights and whip off doonas to get them to start to move, even Miss 3 told me to "Pull my cover up Mummy!"
Mmmm...I told them if they didn't start moving I would pour a cold cup over water over them, cause I'm a super mum (:o)
Kids dropped off and we headed up to the Angliss for our appointment where we awaited John (IF). Poor IMs condition has flared up and she is prostrate on her couch in pain so was unable to make it :( Very sad as this was a big day.
Walked into the Ultrasound room and said...ok this is baby daddy, but hes not my husband...paused and waited for the confused look, then laughed and explained...Tee hee!
Ultrasound went awesome. Everything was were it should be, measuring fantastically and nothing abnormal. One beautiful healthy baby girl. Lovely 2D and 4D photos, just amazing. I spent quite a bit of time just watching Daddy watch his baby girl on the screen. I was very humbled. This is something they have been waiting for for 15 years...I cant imagine it.
After a good 40 mins we headed off to brunch and then Babies R Us and I explained a lot of baby items and what are essentials and what are mostly fads :)
Then I went home and Ayla and I both had a nap...sooo tired.
Afternoon saw John baby siting and school pickup while I visited the Respiratory specialist again. More prescriptions..
Came home, Andrew bought home Fish n Chips for kids and made me a Cesar again :)
What a day, Busy, Amazing and Wonderful :)
Saturday, May 18, 2013
ugh, colds
So I did have plans to go away for the weekend and show the dogs...but the kids cold descended onto me and my asthma flared up again..seems it wasn't to be and I don't think camping in freezing cold temps while trying to contain three kids would have been wise.
Thursday night when I was supposed to leave I felt so awful and crawled into bed with my book as soon as hubby got home. My gorgeous DH made me up a warm chicken Caesar salad and brought it up to my room to surprise me...nawwww It was so goooooood!
Friday night after putting Miss 3 to bed and she finally went to sleep..after a bit of a battle! lol I lay down to read again. Teig (6) crawled into bed next to me for cuddles and went to sleep (DH was working late) love that.
My breathing was getting worse and worse despite taking all my provided meds. I got to the stage where I was gasping to get air into my lungs so rang DH and told him I was going to the hospital. Went next door to get a neighbour to watch kids. Yes I drove. No I shouldn't have, but I would have to be half dead to call an ambulance...
Got into the ER and they admitted me straight away and put me on the mask...omg, within 20 mins I could start to relax again!! Definitely the right thing to do. They gave me the steriod pills again too and i have to be on them for 5 days again to settle it all down. I do see my Respiratory specialist again in Tuesday.
So I was there until about 11.30pm and they did want to keep me for obs overnight. Andrew had to work today and I felt ok so I went home.
I cant believe how annoying the asthma is this time!! I know it only popped up so bad again because of my colds, so hopefully it settles fast.
Other then that, lots of small baby bumps happening now!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Crap blogger award..slack so slack
Wow, I am so slack. Actually I hate writing on my laptop so wait until I am on my home computer which isn't very often these days!
We had our appointment at the Angliss..with what seemed like everyman and his dog..ok I lie, but there were a few people there. Head OB, Head Midwife, Social Worker, My assigned Midwife and someone and someone else...I got a bit busy entertaining Miss Ayla while everything was 'disscusssed'.
To what purpose I am unsure of still...but there you go.
Then had our booking appointment straight after with my Midwife. John hung out with Ayla in the lounge playing with the toys. Then down to book 20 week Ultrasound through the hospital and more bloods.
Glad I'm not scared of needles..the amount Ive had I could be a watering can!
So Miss Baby is now called "SKIPPY"
Yup, true! Why: John is Filipino American while Pam is a White Aussie...so in the USA there is a brand of peanut butter called "Skippy" and as (John explains) baby will be born with a lovely caramel complexion she has earned the nickname after a peanut butter~ could have been worse, ie KRAFT! LOL
Bub is kicking a bit more now, feeling very low still. Still keeping me up at night :/
We had our appointment at the Angliss..with what seemed like everyman and his dog..ok I lie, but there were a few people there. Head OB, Head Midwife, Social Worker, My assigned Midwife and someone and someone else...I got a bit busy entertaining Miss Ayla while everything was 'disscusssed'.
To what purpose I am unsure of still...but there you go.
Then had our booking appointment straight after with my Midwife. John hung out with Ayla in the lounge playing with the toys. Then down to book 20 week Ultrasound through the hospital and more bloods.
Glad I'm not scared of needles..the amount Ive had I could be a watering can!
So Miss Baby is now called "SKIPPY"
Yup, true! Why: John is Filipino American while Pam is a White Aussie...so in the USA there is a brand of peanut butter called "Skippy" and as (John explains) baby will be born with a lovely caramel complexion she has earned the nickname after a peanut butter~ could have been worse, ie KRAFT! LOL
Bub is kicking a bit more now, feeling very low still. Still keeping me up at night :/
Monday, April 29, 2013
17 weeks and Discussion on Compo.
Suppose I need to catch up here..I am so crap at blogs..I have too much other crap to do! LOL~!
So The Tuesday after my Asthma appointment I had a Physio appointment near the Royal Woman's with a lady that 'specialises' in Pelvic Dysfunction.
Was running late to get to IPs as just barely missed being in a car accident...movie scene stuff...the car slewed past and cut across me before crashing into a driveway and car parked in it. I pulled over quickly and ran across thinking there would be not a happy picture. Luckily guys were fine, but shaken. Seems the car they had been on a test drive with (2006 Alfa) had gone out of control, they had no power steering, no brakes and no air bags..was nuts. Left details with police and continued to IPs. They were getting worried as I am usually early or on time...lol
Ayla hung out with John again (big grin and cuddles, she thinks he is the ants pants!) and Pam and I headed into the city.
Slightly late for appointment. Was ok, but didn't teach me anything I wasn doing already to minimise pain and acceleration of the disorder. Oh well. Nice lunch and chat and then home again.
Cant believe I am 17 weeks today (Monday) Pretty cool. Its going fairly fast :)
While away showing over the weekend It came to my attention that my friends were being asked "what I was being paid" I did know that this would come up sooner or later. Doesn't bother me, its a legit question. :) Also like I am sure there are plenty who will not believe I am not being paid at all too. Meh. I did post on my FB page the explanation about Australian Altruistic surrogacy.
I am also a member of the Surrogate Australia FB page and it seems there are woman offering their 'services' for large gifts (car/holiday etc) or an amount of money. See, this is why I'm not a fan of compo. There will always be a % of people to exploit those desperate to have a baby.
Here below is what I was a little shocked to read..but not surprised :"(
So The Tuesday after my Asthma appointment I had a Physio appointment near the Royal Woman's with a lady that 'specialises' in Pelvic Dysfunction.
Was running late to get to IPs as just barely missed being in a car accident...movie scene stuff...the car slewed past and cut across me before crashing into a driveway and car parked in it. I pulled over quickly and ran across thinking there would be not a happy picture. Luckily guys were fine, but shaken. Seems the car they had been on a test drive with (2006 Alfa) had gone out of control, they had no power steering, no brakes and no air bags..was nuts. Left details with police and continued to IPs. They were getting worried as I am usually early or on time...lol
Ayla hung out with John again (big grin and cuddles, she thinks he is the ants pants!) and Pam and I headed into the city.
Slightly late for appointment. Was ok, but didn't teach me anything I wasn doing already to minimise pain and acceleration of the disorder. Oh well. Nice lunch and chat and then home again.
Cant believe I am 17 weeks today (Monday) Pretty cool. Its going fairly fast :)
While away showing over the weekend It came to my attention that my friends were being asked "what I was being paid" I did know that this would come up sooner or later. Doesn't bother me, its a legit question. :) Also like I am sure there are plenty who will not believe I am not being paid at all too. Meh. I did post on my FB page the explanation about Australian Altruistic surrogacy.
I am also a member of the Surrogate Australia FB page and it seems there are woman offering their 'services' for large gifts (car/holiday etc) or an amount of money. See, this is why I'm not a fan of compo. There will always be a % of people to exploit those desperate to have a baby.
Here below is what I was a little shocked to read..but not surprised :"(
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Yay! Asthma sorted!
Another day, another appointment :)
I went and picked IM up and dropped Miss3 to hang out with IM and off we headed to the Respiratory Specialist.
Was well worth the visit.
Seems my lung capacity was slightly less then half of what it should , as I surprised, nope. It was fascinating to watch the little lines on his peak flow on his computer thingy and see just where I was at.
He was almost shocked when I said I was having a good day and I had used Ventolin about 40min before. I should have been in hospital! whoops.
The other night I did consider the ER, but ended up heading to that useless GP....
So, Conclusion: I have some kind of tablet (pkt is in kitchen so cant read what it is) for 5 days to rid inflammation. I also have to take day and night (grabs it and reads) "Pulmicort 400" and back again for a check with him in 3 weeks.
He was a lovely Dr. treated us like humans and was very pleasant and helpful. I wish they could all be like this!
Once again I am away in the wee hours of the morning...
We have an appointment today with the Physio that specialises in my Pelvis situation in the city. Alya (Miss 3) is excited to be going to hang out with 'her John' again! lol!
So in the last two weeks it seems everything is sorting itself out. IM is becoming less stressed and enjoying 'her' pregnancy more too, which is lovely :)
Friday, April 19, 2013
An argument with an Ob/Gyn...
So now my IM totally understands what I am talking about when Ive been saying I was worried about seeing a pushy Ob...
After eventually finding a carpark two blocks from the hospital where his office is, we slowly made our way there. Slowly as most of the time I have this shuffle, keeping the top of my thighs together as I walk to minimise pelvis movement and pain.
We had our appointment and went in as the Dr called us. First half of the meeting was pleasant. We even checked baby on his mini ultrasound, all going well. He referred me to an Asthma specialist (got in on Monday due to a cancellation :) ) and rewrote me another blood test up to check what my thyroid is doing.
Then came the questions about having him for delivery...
Me: So I have delivered 3 babies by myself, naturally. How do you feel about this?
Dr: Oh I will deliver baby
Me: (with hand motions) so..I can just reach down and gently pull baby up to my tummy like this...(show him)
Dr: Mmm, do I can do that.
Me: But so can I, Ive proved it....
Dr: How about we BOTH do it? Smiling like it was a wonderful suggestion.
WTF?? Um, no. He said I could hire a birth pool..but my bet is if the above is the case, in the throws of transition I would be hauled out and placed either on the floor or bed so he could 'deliver baby 'safely'
Did I mention W..T...F???!!!
I shut up and got ready to leave and as we left my IM whispering to me said the same, WTF, LOL!! I see what you mean now..no no no no...definitely not coming here!
So, I am very relieved. I know P knows how I feel now and I also know she trusts me to be able to deliver her precious bundle safely.
I mean, where to Obs get off implying you cannot do what you have done before...no wonder there are so many interventions! Sure if I had never delivered before myself etc, sure go for it.
IM also rang Mitcham Private and out of 9 Ob/gyns there was only 1 (yes 1!) they could trust not to interfere and then kick up a stink if you told them back off!! Crazy. They also said I could labour in the bath but they would pull the plug when in transition...sigh. Uh, people, that is my pain relief, why would you take it away now?? Oh yeah, 'hospital policy'
So...we are still up in the air with no where to go..I'm guessing Mitcham will be it...
Le Sigh.
But really, don't piss me off when I'm in Labour...no really, just don't.
So now my IM totally understands what I am talking about when Ive been saying I was worried about seeing a pushy Ob...
After eventually finding a carpark two blocks from the hospital where his office is, we slowly made our way there. Slowly as most of the time I have this shuffle, keeping the top of my thighs together as I walk to minimise pelvis movement and pain.
We had our appointment and went in as the Dr called us. First half of the meeting was pleasant. We even checked baby on his mini ultrasound, all going well. He referred me to an Asthma specialist (got in on Monday due to a cancellation :) ) and rewrote me another blood test up to check what my thyroid is doing.
Then came the questions about having him for delivery...
Me: So I have delivered 3 babies by myself, naturally. How do you feel about this?
Dr: Oh I will deliver baby
Me: (with hand motions) so..I can just reach down and gently pull baby up to my tummy like this...(show him)
Dr: Mmm, do I can do that.
Me: But so can I, Ive proved it....
Dr: How about we BOTH do it? Smiling like it was a wonderful suggestion.
WTF?? Um, no. He said I could hire a birth pool..but my bet is if the above is the case, in the throws of transition I would be hauled out and placed either on the floor or bed so he could 'deliver baby 'safely'
Did I mention W..T...F???!!!
I shut up and got ready to leave and as we left my IM whispering to me said the same, WTF, LOL!! I see what you mean now..no no no no...definitely not coming here!
So, I am very relieved. I know P knows how I feel now and I also know she trusts me to be able to deliver her precious bundle safely.
I mean, where to Obs get off implying you cannot do what you have done before...no wonder there are so many interventions! Sure if I had never delivered before myself etc, sure go for it.
IM also rang Mitcham Private and out of 9 Ob/gyns there was only 1 (yes 1!) they could trust not to interfere and then kick up a stink if you told them back off!! Crazy. They also said I could labour in the bath but they would pull the plug when in transition...sigh. Uh, people, that is my pain relief, why would you take it away now?? Oh yeah, 'hospital policy'
So...we are still up in the air with no where to go..I'm guessing Mitcham will be it...
Le Sigh.
But really, don't piss me off when I'm in Labour...no really, just don't.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Whinge Warning!!
Feeling a bit sorry for myself. My Asthma is out of control and it seems I have a bit of an infection on the lungs which doesn't help either. I had been to my GP on Sunday to get something more for my Asthma, as Ventolin was not cutting it and I was still taking almost every hour. He gave me Intel and Antibiotics. Last night however I just felt worse and worse, as well as lacking air, I felt pretty crap too (headache, nausea, dizziness and chills) and ended up in tears on the couch after I had put kids to bed. My gorgeous eldest son came down and gave me a cuddle. DH came home from work and sent me to Dr again (they are open until 10pm.
Well, soooo not impressed...as it was 9.30pm I could tell all he cared about was closing time...he checked nothing just read his screen and prescribed me some more Asthma stuff and sent me out. I hate going to Drs at the best of times and need to feel pretty crap to go...obviously I wasn't half dead and just fine really. Came home went to bed. Still feel pretty blah this morning.
My pelvis isn't so hot either, so between not being able to breath and my hips clicking and pain shooting I feel pretty useless. It just frustrates me no end as I am struggling to get day to day thing done, let alone things I enjoy (ie dog showing) My weight is also spiralling out of control which gives me the sh*ts too. Ive actually never had a pregnancy as bad as this, so that sucks.
I haven't said much to my IM, what for? After all its not forever :)
So I am using this blog as a bit of an outlet, apologies if anyone actually reads it.
BUT other then that, baby is growing well, looking great, is healthy and staying put and that's why I am here :) I love looking at her wee profile in her latest scan.
Well, soooo not impressed...as it was 9.30pm I could tell all he cared about was closing time...he checked nothing just read his screen and prescribed me some more Asthma stuff and sent me out. I hate going to Drs at the best of times and need to feel pretty crap to go...obviously I wasn't half dead and just fine really. Came home went to bed. Still feel pretty blah this morning.
My pelvis isn't so hot either, so between not being able to breath and my hips clicking and pain shooting I feel pretty useless. It just frustrates me no end as I am struggling to get day to day thing done, let alone things I enjoy (ie dog showing) My weight is also spiralling out of control which gives me the sh*ts too. Ive actually never had a pregnancy as bad as this, so that sucks.
I haven't said much to my IM, what for? After all its not forever :)
So I am using this blog as a bit of an outlet, apologies if anyone actually reads it.
BUT other then that, baby is growing well, looking great, is healthy and staying put and that's why I am here :) I love looking at her wee profile in her latest scan.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
15 weeks and Amnio
Well once again I'm wide awake at 2.30am...so I thought id catch up because I'm such a slack arse at writing blogs.
So yesterday I was 15 weeks 3 days (according to the ultrasound).
My Amnio had rolled up and I had made myself pretty nervous (note to self: DO NOT GOOGLE).. My dear hubby arrived while Pam, her mum and I were in the waiting room. I'm so glad he could grab an hour off work to be there for me :)
My other kids were home with John (MIL and IF do not get on at all apparently, so it was a perfect situation) Boys had a curriculum day so were home as well, after finishing two weeks holiday.
The nurse/receptionist took me to the wee dressing room to get changed into that gorgeous gown that reminds me of an 80's pregnancy smock. Then she bought Andrew in and showed us to a nice little private waiting room. Andrew and I promptly fell asleep.
After our little nap (lol) we were shown into ultrasound room and the lovely tech explained that she would show Pam and her mum in, show them the baby and do all the checks, then show them out so it would just be me and Andrew for the procedure. Fine with me.
Baby looked gorgeous. Measured a day over what my dates were and everything came up looking great. Pam cried, so I reached out and grabbed her hand. She said, she has never got this far before so was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Bless.
They were shown out after a nice 15 min. Andrew then sat behind me and I held his hands as the procedure was done. Baby behaved and stayed out of the way :)
So it stung, I cramped a little, but I had scared myself stupid for nothing! I did ask for a smiley bandaid..or a 'Dora" but unfortunately was left with an ordinary brown one ;)
Off to the wee room again where I was given a pillow and blanket and I put my stinky feet up on Andrew and we snoozed again, before nurse/receptionist came and gave me my Anti-D shot in the arse. (I am B- blood type)
All felt good so out we went to meet Pam and MIL, booked the 20 week and went downstairs for a coffee. (I had water..not a coffee fan..) Here we once again discussed birthing options and Ob/gyn's...yes I still have no idea where this baby will be born.
By the way, its a GIRL! (pics to come)
Just want to add, I was on a real high as the evening before I had supported my gorgeous friend in her wonderful home birth.
So yesterday I was 15 weeks 3 days (according to the ultrasound).
My Amnio had rolled up and I had made myself pretty nervous (note to self: DO NOT GOOGLE).. My dear hubby arrived while Pam, her mum and I were in the waiting room. I'm so glad he could grab an hour off work to be there for me :)
My other kids were home with John (MIL and IF do not get on at all apparently, so it was a perfect situation) Boys had a curriculum day so were home as well, after finishing two weeks holiday.
The nurse/receptionist took me to the wee dressing room to get changed into that gorgeous gown that reminds me of an 80's pregnancy smock. Then she bought Andrew in and showed us to a nice little private waiting room. Andrew and I promptly fell asleep.
After our little nap (lol) we were shown into ultrasound room and the lovely tech explained that she would show Pam and her mum in, show them the baby and do all the checks, then show them out so it would just be me and Andrew for the procedure. Fine with me.
Baby looked gorgeous. Measured a day over what my dates were and everything came up looking great. Pam cried, so I reached out and grabbed her hand. She said, she has never got this far before so was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Bless.
They were shown out after a nice 15 min. Andrew then sat behind me and I held his hands as the procedure was done. Baby behaved and stayed out of the way :)
So it stung, I cramped a little, but I had scared myself stupid for nothing! I did ask for a smiley bandaid..or a 'Dora" but unfortunately was left with an ordinary brown one ;)
Off to the wee room again where I was given a pillow and blanket and I put my stinky feet up on Andrew and we snoozed again, before nurse/receptionist came and gave me my Anti-D shot in the arse. (I am B- blood type)
All felt good so out we went to meet Pam and MIL, booked the 20 week and went downstairs for a coffee. (I had water..not a coffee fan..) Here we once again discussed birthing options and Ob/gyn's...yes I still have no idea where this baby will be born.
By the way, its a GIRL! (pics to come)
Just want to add, I was on a real high as the evening before I had supported my gorgeous friend in her wonderful home birth.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hips dont lie...
Well that's it...I need a new pelvis.
I am already over the pain and I know it gets worse. I am actually a bit scared. The belt helps a bit, defiantly better then nothing for sure. But its the throbbing constant pain in my right hip and the constant 'click' when I move a certain way. I am actually researching on if it would be wise for me to have a Cesarean instead of a natural birth. Ideally I would love too give birth, I love this part..but I don't want it to cripple me for the rest of my life either. That is the reality right now, it happens. Im also worried that I may end up on crutches or bed rest later on...what happens to my family, who looks after them??
I have to keep reminding myself to 'Slow down' and 'take it easy' and to 'not overdo it' uhhh duh...I have 3 kids (one a crazy, sometimes stroppy 3 year old) and many dogs...wth?? sigh.
I guess I am frustrated as well right now, with my body for being so annoying...prepare for more whinging about it as this blog grows...sorry,.lol
Pam and I have decided to get an Amniocentesis. After back and forth with the Drs seems my scores have become even more risky. I'm not too excited about it but whatever. Is not my baby.
I feel like a bit of a science experiment right now.
Just so everyone is clear:
Surrogacy is AULTERISTIC in Australia - I am not paid any
money. My bills are covered and that it it.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
2nd Trimester!!
So, According to the Ultrasound we are in the Second trimester now (12 weeks and 3 days) Whoo hoo!
Today we got these awesome pics of little peanut :) There was a bit of a muck up as my referral hadn't been faxed through so we had to wait an extra hour and a bit before the actual ultrasound..which for 3 year old Ayla was a great trial...sigh...
But we went downstairs and had her nails painte..blue of all colours!
Everything looked great and Peanut even waved a little. I think they (IPs) were amazed over the change in peanut and that he/she had a profile now and fingers and toes! I love the fact that it looks like a real baby now and not shrimp. ;)
So the place just rang me and it looks like from my bloods and nucal screening test (from the ultrasound) we are cutting it fine for the Downs Syndrome (and Ive nothing against Downs babies/kids, they are gorgeous)
So apparently there is a new rather expensive test that is done out of the USA which can give you results that are 99% accurate and avoid the risk of doing an amniocentesis. I'm pretty sure my IM will have me do this test (bloods) waiting to hear from her for when..
We are finally getting around to looking at hospitals next week. Really slow off the mark...lol
So a few weeks ago my right hip started really hurting getting worse and worse every day..couldn't bear it any longer so booked into the Chiropractor. I was correct in guessing the SPD was coming back..I now have a support that literally binds my pelvis together! Ohh and the dreaded clicking is back now too...
Otherwise all is well and fine in Surrobubba and Tummy Mummy land!!
12 weeks,
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Scammer for surrogates in Melbourne
What is wrong with Australia that we have to be so backward with Surrogacy that so many people are so desperate to have babies they rush off and spend thousands and thousands to these unscrupulous people. These people don't care about babies or anything but money. Its a business factor, thats all.
So so sad and disheartening. Makes me pretty angry.
Well the weather was much better today thank goodness! Still I am pretty flat...
So as to a belly...um, well yes, sadly I have no stomach muscles after my last few big, massive babies so now sadly I have no waist anymore..lol..Its a bit frustrating to go through my wardrobe to try to find a show suit to wear to show the dogs in that zips up..bah humbug!! As to boobs...well...you can see me coming a mile away..
What is wrong with Australia that we have to be so backward with Surrogacy that so many people are so desperate to have babies they rush off and spend thousands and thousands to these unscrupulous people. These people don't care about babies or anything but money. Its a business factor, thats all.
So so sad and disheartening. Makes me pretty angry.
Well the weather was much better today thank goodness! Still I am pretty flat...
So as to a belly...um, well yes, sadly I have no stomach muscles after my last few big, massive babies so now sadly I have no waist anymore..lol..Its a bit frustrating to go through my wardrobe to try to find a show suit to wear to show the dogs in that zips up..bah humbug!! As to boobs...well...you can see me coming a mile away..
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Moomba Festival and Blood tests~
10 week blood testing today. J looked after Ayla while P and I went to the Dr's and had the blood drawn..We have pretty much also decided on Knox Private as the hospital to go to as well now...I am a little relieved as its nice and close to us :)
Went to Moomba with kids and Hubby on the weekend, was hot but really nice. Kids had fun and the fireworks wore worth the heat!
The heat has been record breaking here, 8 days over 32 Degrees (Celsius) in a row. It is really starting to knock me around, but I guess its the same for most. Glad we have air conditioning (which we didn't last year..yeah nuts right??!)
Nausea seems to be slightly decreasing, smells still put me right off though.
12 Week ultrasound in a fortnight.
Went to Moomba with kids and Hubby on the weekend, was hot but really nice. Kids had fun and the fireworks wore worth the heat!
The heat has been record breaking here, 8 days over 32 Degrees (Celsius) in a row. It is really starting to knock me around, but I guess its the same for most. Glad we have air conditioning (which we didn't last year..yeah nuts right??!)
Nausea seems to be slightly decreasing, smells still put me right off though.
12 Week ultrasound in a fortnight.
Friday, March 8, 2013
9 weeks
9 weeks..I think?
I think I'm becoming really blasé about being pregnant...after all it is my 5th pregnancy.
I don't know what it is...we have a appointment with P's GP on the 12th for more blood tests and to find a OBGYN and hospital to have baby at. To be honest I don't really care who the OBGYN is, as long as they leave me alone and don't drive me crazy during Labour. I saw Midwives only for all of my pregnancies, so you cant tell me to have an OB is better...
Whatever floats my dear IMs boat. It is mainly for her information and to put her at ease. Blood pressure - check, funds height - check, well being - check, heartbeat - check...pretty boring stuff. I don't anticipate anything unusual to happen over the course of the next 6 months, so hopefully the OBGYN will be friendly, smile lots and say, great off you go, have a super day!
Theres one thing I do know quite well and that is my own body. I will know if anything 'feels' slightly off and then people can worry. Theres one thing I hate and that's people that make things problems that are not!! (because then it usually becomes a BIG problem)
Until I meet a OB that suits me I wont settle...and that's one thing I am sticking too..after all its me that has to push out the watermelon out!
Oh the joys of pregnancy playing havoc with your hormones..
My lovely little hormonal pregnancy trick is to add frequent migraines to my system..which of course you cannot knock out with a crapload of fun drugs to get rid of the thing. Auras, numbness, blindness, nausea, you name it...come on 12 weeks! (this is something I had with all pregnancies)
Mood swings...call me Jekyll and Hyde....agghhh
Naptime...love my naptime.."AYLA GO TO SLEEP!!" At least she still loves her naptime too :)
Its interesting though, the more I progress with this pregnancy, the more I look around me when Im out with Ayla. I am constantly thinking "theres no WAY I could have another baby now, Im too tired!" its funny how your biological clock actually does stop ticking!
I think I'm becoming really blasé about being pregnant...after all it is my 5th pregnancy.
I don't know what it is...we have a appointment with P's GP on the 12th for more blood tests and to find a OBGYN and hospital to have baby at. To be honest I don't really care who the OBGYN is, as long as they leave me alone and don't drive me crazy during Labour. I saw Midwives only for all of my pregnancies, so you cant tell me to have an OB is better...
Whatever floats my dear IMs boat. It is mainly for her information and to put her at ease. Blood pressure - check, funds height - check, well being - check, heartbeat - check...pretty boring stuff. I don't anticipate anything unusual to happen over the course of the next 6 months, so hopefully the OBGYN will be friendly, smile lots and say, great off you go, have a super day!
Theres one thing I do know quite well and that is my own body. I will know if anything 'feels' slightly off and then people can worry. Theres one thing I hate and that's people that make things problems that are not!! (because then it usually becomes a BIG problem)
Until I meet a OB that suits me I wont settle...and that's one thing I am sticking too..after all its me that has to push out the watermelon out!
Oh the joys of pregnancy playing havoc with your hormones..
My lovely little hormonal pregnancy trick is to add frequent migraines to my system..which of course you cannot knock out with a crapload of fun drugs to get rid of the thing. Auras, numbness, blindness, nausea, you name it...come on 12 weeks! (this is something I had with all pregnancies)
Mood swings...call me Jekyll and Hyde....agghhh
Naptime...love my naptime.."AYLA GO TO SLEEP!!" At least she still loves her naptime too :)
Its interesting though, the more I progress with this pregnancy, the more I look around me when Im out with Ayla. I am constantly thinking "theres no WAY I could have another baby now, Im too tired!" its funny how your biological clock actually does stop ticking!
9 weeks,
mood swings,
Monday, February 25, 2013
Insert Roll Eyes here.....
..and another reason why I don't bother with baby forums...people are so darn sensitive and take anything said the wrong way..omg...guess I should not state pure fact next time cause people get their knickers in a wad. Sorry but "baby bumps" at this stage are not "baby" they are fat, gas and bloating...and the baby has not yet even RISEN into the abdomen part of the Uterus at 5 weeks. Ok, sometimes I forget a lot of these are first/second time mums and its all so very exciting, but I am just a blunt person, my bad. Whateves..
Feeling very average.
Hubby working all hours so barely see him. Kids taking advantage of me feeling ill. Oldest playing up in school. Youngest has become more demanding if thats even possible. Finding it hard to function on a normal level right now. Feeling frustrated, annoyed, sick, tired and pissed off with everyone.
Guess Im somewhere around 8 weeks, don't care at the moment.
On nice note Pam and John bought around a casserole which was lovely on the weekend.
Sorry for the grumpy post, but Im sure there will be more to come.
Not taking grooming clients anymore, its too much with my lot to keep on top of too. Too tired.
Oh and also I still need to figure out how to put photos on my Mac and onto here...sigh.
Feeling very average.
Hubby working all hours so barely see him. Kids taking advantage of me feeling ill. Oldest playing up in school. Youngest has become more demanding if thats even possible. Finding it hard to function on a normal level right now. Feeling frustrated, annoyed, sick, tired and pissed off with everyone.
Guess Im somewhere around 8 weeks, don't care at the moment.
On nice note Pam and John bought around a casserole which was lovely on the weekend.
Sorry for the grumpy post, but Im sure there will be more to come.
Not taking grooming clients anymore, its too much with my lot to keep on top of too. Too tired.
Oh and also I still need to figure out how to put photos on my Mac and onto here...sigh.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Lets just say yesterday was awful. I woke up with a Migraine. Luckily it was in the wee, dark hours of the morning so I didn't have to contend with noise and kids. I had the aura, numbness, tingling and nausea..I just tried to lie still with my face to the fan and hope it went away before Ayla awoke.
I was left with terrible nausea and a blinding headache, to which I discovered that we had no damn Panadol in the entire house! (Nurofin yes, but it has blood thinners so I've been told not to take it..) agghhh! So clumped around, slowly doing what I needed too, begging kids to SHHHHH..
Gave the boys a lunch order to drive halfway to school and have Hubby call to say, "Bailey has sports day today, you need to go pa and he needs lunch" BAH! Drove home, made said lunch, ordered child off to get shorts on and the other kids to stay in car, and gave them my phone...we rushed back out again and to school.
Came home and lay on the couch for a bit while Ayla stuck Dora band aids on my legs...
Headache went but nausea was horrid...its getting worse right now not better, come on 12 weeks. Couldn't eat anything, smell anything or drink anything, left my tablets to take in the evening.
Got shopping done..breathing through my nose.
Got new radiator cap.
Got Ayla a Sausage from Bunnings.
Came home and we both napped.
Groomed a dog with a fan blowing on us both, while Ayla ran around with the rest of the gang.
Long day...come on 12 weeks...come at me Maxalon.
I was left with terrible nausea and a blinding headache, to which I discovered that we had no damn Panadol in the entire house! (Nurofin yes, but it has blood thinners so I've been told not to take it..) agghhh! So clumped around, slowly doing what I needed too, begging kids to SHHHHH..
Gave the boys a lunch order to drive halfway to school and have Hubby call to say, "Bailey has sports day today, you need to go pa and he needs lunch" BAH! Drove home, made said lunch, ordered child off to get shorts on and the other kids to stay in car, and gave them my phone...we rushed back out again and to school.
Came home and lay on the couch for a bit while Ayla stuck Dora band aids on my legs...
Headache went but nausea was horrid...its getting worse right now not better, come on 12 weeks. Couldn't eat anything, smell anything or drink anything, left my tablets to take in the evening.
Got shopping done..breathing through my nose.
Got new radiator cap.
Got Ayla a Sausage from Bunnings.
Came home and we both napped.
Groomed a dog with a fan blowing on us both, while Ayla ran around with the rest of the gang.
Long day...come on 12 weeks...come at me Maxalon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
SO I cant seem to stay awake...I lay down with a book while Ayla has her afternoon nap and I have to lay it down and close my eyes and the next thing i know is an hour or so has shot by! I'm sooo glad she still takes naps though, that's for sure!
SOooo we had our 7 week dating scan today...its a .....PEANUT! P and J where running a bit late and I had to explain to the tech that I had to wait for them as it was their baby, lol! Bailey and Teig stayed in the waiting room with iPhones beep, beeping and I knew they wouldn't utter a peep. Ayla was a typical, nosey, noisy inquisitive 3 year old, but she sat happily on J's knee patting my arm.
I really, really, REALLY needed to pee...I think that is the worse part about these ultrasounds, someone pressing harder and harder on your belly to really get a good view with that wand while all the while you have running through your mind is, don't laugh, don't sneeze, don't cough...cause I neeeeeddd toooo weeeeeee.....
Heartbeat was ticking along well at 140bmp and the implantation is still where it was originally, so nice and high. Defiantly ONE. YES!
I piped up to ask the tch for a photo for mum and dad and she goes, Ahhh you've done this before haven't you...uh duh ;) No, she was lovely and it was hard to shut up while she explained how it all works and when each scan is taken and what for etc...I have another one at 12 weeks and P and J have decided to do the new testing which incorporates blood work and ultrasound together to rule out Downs and other genetic abnormalities earlier. This is very very new and is instead of an Amniocentesis..it is also very expensive. But being older parents they definitely want the best shot at a healthy baby as this baby will have no close family after they go in the future.
Blood tests at 10 weeks and bloods and Ultrasound again at 12 weeks. In between feeling like crap...
Feeling a bit cranky and down at the moment, I think its just my hormones playing games, but its still sucks. Andrew (hubby) is in his new job, and he is loving it. But at present they are very very busy so he has been leaving very early and getting home late. He is amazing. He is so supportive and loving and the best daddy as well. Its not every husband that would be ok with their wife being pregnant with another couples child! Did I mention he is amazing? He will cook me a steak when I am grumpy (more than normal) and has whipped up batches of Mashed potatoes to satisfy my craving. Tells me he loves me and I am beautiful every day (even though I have a real issue with my weight since Ayla was born) Everything he does is for his family and me, I am so so lucky.
Ultrasound photo to come, its on my phone and I am not sure how to use this computer yet....
SOooo we had our 7 week dating scan today...its a .....PEANUT! P and J where running a bit late and I had to explain to the tech that I had to wait for them as it was their baby, lol! Bailey and Teig stayed in the waiting room with iPhones beep, beeping and I knew they wouldn't utter a peep. Ayla was a typical, nosey, noisy inquisitive 3 year old, but she sat happily on J's knee patting my arm.
I really, really, REALLY needed to pee...I think that is the worse part about these ultrasounds, someone pressing harder and harder on your belly to really get a good view with that wand while all the while you have running through your mind is, don't laugh, don't sneeze, don't cough...cause I neeeeeddd toooo weeeeeee.....
Heartbeat was ticking along well at 140bmp and the implantation is still where it was originally, so nice and high. Defiantly ONE. YES!
I piped up to ask the tch for a photo for mum and dad and she goes, Ahhh you've done this before haven't you...uh duh ;) No, she was lovely and it was hard to shut up while she explained how it all works and when each scan is taken and what for etc...I have another one at 12 weeks and P and J have decided to do the new testing which incorporates blood work and ultrasound together to rule out Downs and other genetic abnormalities earlier. This is very very new and is instead of an Amniocentesis..it is also very expensive. But being older parents they definitely want the best shot at a healthy baby as this baby will have no close family after they go in the future.
Blood tests at 10 weeks and bloods and Ultrasound again at 12 weeks. In between feeling like crap...
Feeling a bit cranky and down at the moment, I think its just my hormones playing games, but its still sucks. Andrew (hubby) is in his new job, and he is loving it. But at present they are very very busy so he has been leaving very early and getting home late. He is amazing. He is so supportive and loving and the best daddy as well. Its not every husband that would be ok with their wife being pregnant with another couples child! Did I mention he is amazing? He will cook me a steak when I am grumpy (more than normal) and has whipped up batches of Mashed potatoes to satisfy my craving. Tells me he loves me and I am beautiful every day (even though I have a real issue with my weight since Ayla was born) Everything he does is for his family and me, I am so so lucky.
Ultrasound photo to come, its on my phone and I am not sure how to use this computer yet....
Monday, February 18, 2013
Genea IVF World First?
Dating scan tomorrow!! Sorry for the lax updating...but really there has been nothing to update! lol
So it looks like this lucky embryo embryo #9 was part of the guinea pig trial by Genea as to the solution they use to soak the little embryos. IM rang me and was telling me all about it and said she didn't think much off it until she saw the article!
Feeling much more off now...smells putting me right off and a constant ill feeling. Joy. It actually feels very similar to my last pregnancy. My joints have all loosened too and my hips are already playing up a bit, so will have to watch that a bit in things that I do. I suffered from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction with my last...
I actually didnt think Id have to worry about it this early on though, mmmm..oh well.
I had to remind IM that it was IF baby too and he should be at the ultrasound when she suggested that he could mind my kids while we went, lol!! Cant wait to see their faces!
So it looks like this lucky embryo embryo #9 was part of the guinea pig trial by Genea as to the solution they use to soak the little embryos. IM rang me and was telling me all about it and said she didn't think much off it until she saw the article!
Feeling much more off now...smells putting me right off and a constant ill feeling. Joy. It actually feels very similar to my last pregnancy. My joints have all loosened too and my hips are already playing up a bit, so will have to watch that a bit in things that I do. I suffered from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction with my last...
I actually didnt think Id have to worry about it this early on though, mmmm..oh well.
I had to remind IM that it was IF baby too and he should be at the ultrasound when she suggested that he could mind my kids while we went, lol!! Cant wait to see their faces!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Week 6 already..
Ok here we are at week 6...cravings, mmm potatoes still, healthy salads and foods. Totally gone of sweet stuff which was my poison, so that's great for my waist I guess!
I feel extremely tired ALL the time..I forgot how wiped out you feel. When Miss 3 is down for her nap I usually get some shut I too, but have to set my alarm in case she sleeps late and I do to and the boys don't get picked up on time!! That would be bad...
Very slight nausea still, comes in waves..
Otherwise things are ticking along very well and so far I am enjoying the ride. IM and IF are still in the land of OMG, I think it will be more real for them both when they see that wee heartbeat on the screen next week.
I feel extremely tired ALL the time..I forgot how wiped out you feel. When Miss 3 is down for her nap I usually get some shut I too, but have to set my alarm in case she sleeps late and I do to and the boys don't get picked up on time!! That would be bad...
Very slight nausea still, comes in waves..
Otherwise things are ticking along very well and so far I am enjoying the ride. IM and IF are still in the land of OMG, I think it will be more real for them both when they see that wee heartbeat on the screen next week.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
The beginning...
So I have begun walking and walking and walking. All these carbs are so not going to be great for me..I am already the heaviest I have been NOT pregnant, so Lordy help me at the end of this pregnancy!! Oh well, that's life.
I still have to keep minding myself that I am now pregnant with this beautiful embryo and how amazing it all it. The process goes through my mind quite often and I am still totally amazed by it all.
Apart from terribly attractive bloating (not!) and wanting to eat piles of potatoes in any form, so far I haven't really noticed anything different. I am expecting M/s to kick in around weeks 7/8...maybe as that's when it reared its ugly head in my other pregnancies. I am prone to hormonal migraines to during first trimester and I can't take my regular migraine drugs while pregnant so fingers crossed my body adjusts and doesn't cop them....
Missy the wonder dog...my Brittany Is my pregnancy sniffer dog...with my other pregnancies even before I knew she would and she would be like glue and drive me nuts!! This pregnancy was no different, only I had forgotten what she was like and had told Andrew (DH) one night in my 2WW that she was driving me bonkers by rolling me abounds and staring at me..laying on top of me and even when I had a bath had to lie on the bath at watching me!! (Missy is 11 this year and unless food is involved she is found on our bed asleep 90% of the time!). Andrew reminded me she was our very own 'bun in the oven' sniffer dog!! Hey maybe I could rent her out to 2 WWaiters?!! Lol! She has since settled down, but still likes to make sure if where I am most of the time...
I still have to keep minding myself that I am now pregnant with this beautiful embryo and how amazing it all it. The process goes through my mind quite often and I am still totally amazed by it all.
Apart from terribly attractive bloating (not!) and wanting to eat piles of potatoes in any form, so far I haven't really noticed anything different. I am expecting M/s to kick in around weeks 7/8...maybe as that's when it reared its ugly head in my other pregnancies. I am prone to hormonal migraines to during first trimester and I can't take my regular migraine drugs while pregnant so fingers crossed my body adjusts and doesn't cop them....
Missy the wonder dog...my Brittany Is my pregnancy sniffer dog...with my other pregnancies even before I knew she would and she would be like glue and drive me nuts!! This pregnancy was no different, only I had forgotten what she was like and had told Andrew (DH) one night in my 2WW that she was driving me bonkers by rolling me abounds and staring at me..laying on top of me and even when I had a bath had to lie on the bath at watching me!! (Missy is 11 this year and unless food is involved she is found on our bed asleep 90% of the time!). Andrew reminded me she was our very own 'bun in the oven' sniffer dog!! Hey maybe I could rent her out to 2 WWaiters?!! Lol! She has since settled down, but still likes to make sure if where I am most of the time...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Well that was awkward..
Ok sorry, not sure what I have done but somehow I have moved this up here? Being so awesomely useless at technical things..well I guess it can stay he for a bit...

Man, a phone interview, one set of earphones and a toddler and a 5 year old running around going nuts in the background!!
We DID set the kids to the task of beading and then DH made them a slide from a table..but Aly (2) still wanted to 'talk'
Interview went for apporx 40 mins and on her side thay were having a planned fire drill (which she had excused herself from).
Its so hard trying to answer questains, think on the spot and explain your thinking to someone on the phone with stuff like this. Since the interview and probably the rest of this evening I will have that clenched feeling in my stomach of thinking I hope it was ok, I hope I said the right things etc..
fingers crossed ...
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