Nothing exciting to report, but I'm awake at 2.30AM again so thought Id jot a few things down while its quiet..
Little Miss S is bumping around, I feel her more and more every day..I forgot to post in the Ultrasound Post that she is measuring 2WEEKS AHEAD!! No surprised here, I do big babies, lol! Plus I'm sure everyone seeing me waddle around at dog shows and trying to stay in my suits that are popping at the seams are not surprised! YES I AM FAT...AND PREGNANT...sadly not just Pregnancy fat...LOL Oh well, its only for a few more months and for a good cause :) Thank god for spandex in material!! ;)
On my weight, I'm totally fascinated..I am actually the heaviest I have ever been, pregnant or not..I was at my current weight after i gave birth to my first, Corbin...
Interestingly enough my weight has not changed but fluctuated between 500 gms up and down over the last 6ish weeks (I have a totally awesome FITBIT scale) I am not a huge garbage guts like normal or even when pregnant and find myself leaving food on my plate (That NEVER happens, preg or no) or just feel full all the time...Also I am craving very healthy food, salads, sandwiches etc
Absolutely no complaints here, I just find it very interesting compared with my other pregnancies...I'm wondering if baby because of different genetics is playing a roll in this? Its also fascinating as now my belly is growing and usually EVERYTHING grows with it (arse, thighs, arms etc..boobs are a given) but looking in the mirror yesterday in my gorgeous IP bought pregnancy dress, I actually looked a lot 'All baby' (This was in the toilets at Hogsbreath Cafe mind you waiting for Miss 3 to go to the toilet...oh and NEWS FLASH I didn't finish my Potato Skins or main course...Hubby asked if I was not feeling well..LMAO..
No new stretch marks either, but then again I have plenty to re-stretch from the others, so I'm not worried by it. Boob are totally massive and annoying. One thing Hubby doesn't complain about, ;)
Just a note on my Hubby.
He is the most amazing man and I thank my lucky stars every day I met him. He puts up with my moods, deals with things when I can't. Is an awesome, super dad. Lets me have my dog showing and all it involves. Works hard to pay bills etc. Sleeps on the couch when he knows he will keep me awake with snoring after long shifts. Cooks for me. Does more then his share of housework. Loves and supports me. Tells me Im beautiful when I am feeling not...OHhhh and remembers our wedding anniversary when I do not!!! I love him and admire him SO MUCH xoxo
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