9 weeks..I think?
I think I'm becoming really blasé about being pregnant...after all it is my 5th pregnancy.
I don't know what it is...we have a appointment with P's GP on the 12th for more blood tests and to find a OBGYN and hospital to have baby at. To be honest I don't really care who the OBGYN is, as long as they leave me alone and don't drive me crazy during Labour. I saw Midwives only for all of my pregnancies, so you cant tell me to have an OB is better...
Whatever floats my dear IMs boat. It is mainly for her information and to put her at ease. Blood pressure - check, funds height - check, well being - check, heartbeat - check...pretty boring stuff. I don't anticipate anything unusual to happen over the course of the next 6 months, so hopefully the OBGYN will be friendly, smile lots and say, great off you go, have a super day!
Theres one thing I do know quite well and that is my own body. I will know if anything 'feels' slightly off and then people can worry. Theres one thing I hate and that's people that make things problems that are not!! (because then it usually becomes a BIG problem)
Until I meet a OB that suits me I wont settle...and that's one thing I am sticking too..after all its me that has to push out the watermelon out!
Oh the joys of pregnancy playing havoc with your hormones..
My lovely little hormonal pregnancy trick is to add frequent migraines to my system..which of course you cannot knock out with a crapload of fun drugs to get rid of the thing. Auras, numbness, blindness, nausea, you name it...come on 12 weeks! (this is something I had with all pregnancies)
Mood swings...call me Jekyll and Hyde....agghhh
Naptime...love my naptime.."AYLA GO TO SLEEP!!" At least she still loves her naptime too :)
Its interesting though, the more I progress with this pregnancy, the more I look around me when Im out with Ayla. I am constantly thinking "theres no WAY I could have another baby now, Im too tired!" its funny how your biological clock actually does stop ticking!
What's up with IP's wanting OBGYN's? This is the millionth time I've heard this from surrogates. I'm with you on knowing and trusting my body and I've had a real hard time with the "medical" part of this pregnancy. The place I have to go for insurance purposes is 100% operated out of a state of risk management and fear (of a lawsuit). The humanity aspect is greatly lacking. I did finally find a midwife I like at 33 weeks so hopefully it gets a little smoother as we go into labor and delivery time. Best of luck finding a doc you like, don't settle!