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Saturday, February 23, 2013


Lets just say yesterday was awful.  I woke up with a Migraine.  Luckily it was in the wee, dark hours of the morning so I didn't have to contend with noise and kids.  I had the aura, numbness, tingling and nausea..I just tried to lie still with my face to the fan and hope it went away before Ayla awoke.

I was left with terrible nausea and a blinding headache, to which I discovered that we had no damn Panadol in the entire house!  (Nurofin yes, but it has blood thinners so I've been told not to take it..) agghhh!  So clumped around, slowly doing what I needed too, begging kids to SHHHHH..

Gave the boys a lunch order to drive halfway to school and have Hubby call to say, "Bailey has sports day today, you need to go pa and he needs lunch"  BAH!  Drove home, made said lunch, ordered child off to get shorts on and the other kids to stay in car, and gave them my phone...we rushed back out again and to school.

Came home and lay on the couch for a bit while Ayla stuck Dora band aids on my legs...

Headache went but nausea was horrid...its getting worse right now not better, come on 12 weeks.  Couldn't eat anything, smell anything or drink anything, left my tablets to take in the evening.

Got shopping done..breathing through my nose.

Got new radiator cap.

Got Ayla a Sausage from Bunnings.

Came home and we both napped.

Groomed a dog with a fan blowing on us both, while Ayla ran around with the rest of the gang.

Long day...come on 12 weeks...come at me Maxalon.

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