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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Sooooo Amazing today!!

Today was our 20 week ultrasound!!!

Here is Baby Skippy!  Isnt she gorgeous, and so like her Daddy :)

My appointment was for 9 so the school kids were booked in for morning school care.  But guess what?!  First morning EVER and all three decide they want to sleep in!!! WTH??!!  I had to switch on lights and whip off doonas to get them to start to move, even Miss 3 told me to "Pull my cover up Mummy!"

Mmmm...I told them if they didn't start moving I would pour a cold cup over water over them, cause I'm a super mum (:o)

Kids dropped off and we headed up to the Angliss for our appointment where we awaited John (IF).  Poor IMs condition has flared up and she is prostrate on her couch in pain so was unable to make it :(  Very sad as this was a big day.

Walked into the Ultrasound room and said...ok this is baby daddy, but hes not my husband...paused and waited for the confused look, then laughed and explained...Tee hee!

Ultrasound went awesome.  Everything was were it should be, measuring fantastically and nothing abnormal. One beautiful healthy baby girl.  Lovely 2D and 4D photos, just amazing.  I spent quite a bit of time just watching Daddy watch his baby girl on the screen.  I was very humbled.  This is something they have been waiting for for 15 years...I cant imagine it.

After a good 40 mins we headed off to brunch and then Babies R Us and I explained a lot of baby items and what are essentials and what are mostly fads :) 

Then I went home and Ayla and I both had a nap...sooo tired.

Afternoon saw John baby siting and school pickup while I visited the Respiratory specialist again.  More prescriptions..

Came home, Andrew bought home Fish n Chips for kids and made me a Cesar again :)  

What a day, Busy, Amazing and Wonderful :)

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