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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hips dont lie...

Well that's it...I need a new pelvis.

I am already over the pain and I know it gets worse.  I am actually a bit scared.  The belt helps a bit, defiantly better then nothing for sure.  But its the throbbing constant pain in my right hip and the constant 'click' when I move a certain way.  I am actually researching on if it would be wise for me to have a Cesarean instead of a natural birth.  Ideally I would love too give birth, I love this part..but I don't want it to cripple me for the rest of my life either.  That is the reality right now, it happens.  Im also worried that I may end up on crutches or bed rest later on...what happens to my family, who looks after them??

I have to keep reminding myself to 'Slow down' and 'take it easy' and to 'not overdo it'  uhhh duh...I have 3 kids (one a crazy, sometimes stroppy 3 year old) and many dogs...wth?? sigh.

I guess I am frustrated as well right now, with my body for being so annoying...prepare for more whinging about it as this blog grows...sorry,.lol

Pam and I have decided to get an  Amniocentesis. After back and forth with the Drs seems my scores have become even more risky. I'm not too excited about it but whatever.  Is not my baby.

I feel like a bit of a science experiment right now.  

Just so everyone is clear:

Surrogacy is AULTERISTIC in Australia - I am not paid any 

money.  My bills are covered and that it it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2nd Trimester!!

So, According to the Ultrasound we are in the Second trimester now (12 weeks and 3 days) Whoo hoo!

Today we got these awesome pics of little peanut :)  There was a bit of a muck up as my referral hadn't been faxed through so we had to wait an extra hour and a bit before the actual ultrasound..which for 3 year old Ayla was a great trial...sigh...

But we went downstairs and had her nails of all colours!
Everything looked great and Peanut even waved a little.  I think they (IPs) were amazed over the change in peanut and that he/she had a profile now and fingers and toes!   I love the fact that it looks like a real baby now and not shrimp. ;)
So the place just rang me and it looks like from my bloods and nucal screening test (from the ultrasound) we are cutting it fine for the Downs Syndrome (and Ive nothing against Downs babies/kids, they are gorgeous)
So apparently there is a new rather expensive test that is done out of the USA which can give you results that are 99% accurate and avoid the risk of doing an amniocentesis.  I'm pretty sure my IM will have me do this test (bloods)  waiting to hear from her for when..
We are finally getting around to looking at hospitals next week.  Really slow off the
So a few weeks ago my right hip started really hurting getting worse and worse every day..couldn't bear it any longer so booked into the Chiropractor.  I was correct in guessing the SPD was coming back..I now have a support that literally binds my pelvis together!  Ohh and the dreaded clicking is back now too...
Otherwise all is well and fine in Surrobubba and Tummy Mummy land!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Scammer for surrogates in Melbourne


What is wrong with Australia that we have to be so backward with Surrogacy that so many people are so desperate to have babies they rush off and spend thousands and thousands to these unscrupulous people.  These people don't care about babies or anything but money.  Its a business factor, thats all.

So so sad and disheartening.  Makes me pretty angry.

Well the weather was much better today thank goodness!  Still I am pretty flat...

So as to a, well yes, sadly I have no stomach muscles after my last few big, massive babies so now sadly I have no waist a bit frustrating to go through my wardrobe to try to find a show suit to wear to show the dogs in that zips up..bah humbug!!  As to can see me coming a mile away..

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Moomba Festival and Blood tests~

10 week blood testing today.  J looked after Ayla while P and I went to the Dr's and had the blood drawn..We have pretty much also decided on Knox Private as the hospital to go to as well now...I am a little relieved as its nice and close to us :)

Went to Moomba with kids and Hubby on the weekend, was hot but really nice.  Kids had fun and the fireworks wore worth the heat!

The heat has been record breaking here, 8 days over 32 Degrees (Celsius) in a row.  It is really starting to knock me around, but I guess its the same for most.   Glad we have air conditioning (which we didn't last year..yeah nuts right??!)

Nausea seems to be slightly decreasing, smells still put me right off though.

12 Week ultrasound in a fortnight. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

9 weeks

9 weeks..I think?

I think I'm becoming really blasé about being pregnant...after all it is my 5th pregnancy.  

I don't know what it is...we have a appointment with P's GP on the 12th for more blood tests and to find a OBGYN and hospital to have baby at.  To be honest I don't really care who the OBGYN is, as long as they leave me alone and don't drive me crazy during Labour.  I saw Midwives only for all of my pregnancies, so you cant tell me to have an OB is better...

Whatever floats my dear IMs boat.  It is mainly for her information and to put her at ease.  Blood pressure - check, funds height - check, well being - check, heartbeat - check...pretty boring stuff.  I don't anticipate anything unusual to happen over the course of the next 6 months, so hopefully the OBGYN will be friendly, smile lots and say, great off you go, have a super day!

Theres one thing I do know quite well and that is my own body.  I will know if anything 'feels' slightly off and then people can worry.  Theres one thing I hate and that's people that make things problems that are not!! (because then it usually becomes a BIG problem)  

Until I meet a OB that suits me I wont settle...and that's one thing I am sticking too..after all its me that has to push out the watermelon out!


Oh the joys of pregnancy playing havoc with your hormones..

My lovely little hormonal pregnancy trick is to add frequent migraines to my system..which of course you cannot knock out with a crapload of fun drugs to get rid of the thing.  Auras, numbness, blindness, nausea, you name it...come on 12 weeks! (this is something I had with all pregnancies)

Mood me Jekyll and Hyde....agghhh my naptime.."AYLA GO TO SLEEP!!"  At least she still loves her naptime too :)

Its interesting though, the more I progress with this pregnancy, the more I look around me when Im out with Ayla.  I am constantly thinking "theres no WAY I could have another baby now, Im too tired!"  its funny how your biological clock actually does stop ticking!