Ok sorry, not sure what I have done but somehow I have moved this up here? Being so awesomely useless at technical things..well I guess it can stay he for a bit...

Man, a phone interview, one set of earphones and a toddler and a 5 year old running around going nuts in the background!!
We DID set the kids to the task of beading and then DH made them a slide from a table..but Aly (2) still wanted to 'talk'
Interview went for apporx 40 mins and on her side thay were having a planned fire drill (which she had excused herself from).
Its so hard trying to answer questains, think on the spot and explain your thinking to someone on the phone with stuff like this. Since the interview and probably the rest of this evening I will have that clenched feeling in my stomach of thinking I hope it was ok, I hope I said the right things etc..
fingers crossed ...