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Thursday, March 29, 2012

What NOW

So, my Thyroid is being a pain in the arse. Typical. Now. Right
now. I have had a couple of blood tests and it's an overactive T3 is higher..normally its the T4 in most people..Typical.

So need to book an ultrasound next week on it. I have après ripen for thyroid meds, but need to google the first. It could just be a virus in my system making it play up...or it could be because of ,y age and the stress I've been under causing my Thyriod to go "whoa!".

So otherwise pretty much everything is set ready to roll. It's seems the IVF nurse pretty much thinks we will fly through the hearing committee as she has already sent P documents outlining what when where and! Typical. The clinics are the people which roll in all the money that desperate childless couples throw at them. It's ridiculous. Why should you have to be rich to have a child..or even sell everything you own to have a child...crazy.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Well, the dog part of my life seems to be going down the toilet...but anyhoooo...

Chatted to IM last night, she had some good news at least! The Dr at Genea who has our case has forwarded our file to the committee board on surrogacy for NSW, we just have to forward her the blood tests which we have arranged to get done on Wednesday morning. Well that's exciting!!

My IM cracks me up, she's so funny..I don't think she means to be, but she is! Lol

I had blood tests myself last week for unexplained itching..turns out my thyroid is playing up..nothing too dramatic. Will go back for more bloods and an ultrasound on it next week, funny my arm will be a pin cushion next week! Luckily needles don't bother me, or it could have been a bit of a problem! Lol

I think surrogacy here in Australia is a massive waiting game, ridiculously loooong waiting game. All the hoops people have to jump through, it's crazy. It really makes me quite frustraighted at times so I can imagine how people who are on the other side of the issue feel, ie those waiting to even FIND a surro. Seriously

You know I've had a lot of hits but not one comment??!

I also find it interesting from the reproductive view of being a dog breeder...not a BYB, a registered ethical breeder that spends more money then she should on dogs, then she would ever make in a trillion years. It was actually funny when the Dr was starting to explain the IVF procedure and I said " Oohhhh so like in canine a chilled semen tranfer" or somthing along those

Defiantly looking positive for an April transfer and hopefully make someone very happy :).

On the another note, my girl is looking quite rotund even at 4 weeks in...I am guessing she shall have at least 5...maybe.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

He said WHAT?

These are some great kids books on Surrogacy. I plan to buy a couple down the track a little for my youngest two. (They are 5 and 2.5) I am guessing they will help explain a bit better then mummy will...
This is how I explained to my 10 year old:
" You know P and J?, Well mum is going to have a baby for them. The doctors will use a part of J and a Part of P (even though its a donor egg, I felt that was a wee bit too informed for Mr 10!!) and will make a tiny baby in his office. Then Mum gets to go and have the baby put into her tummy and I will grow it. It wont be your brother or sister, but you can help mum out, helping to grow the baby. When the baby is born it will get to go home with his or her mum and dad which are P and J. "
SO then he explains back to me:
"So a Dr cooks up a baby, puts it in you and you poo it out and someone else takes it home? Oh good, all that crying again would drive me nutso!!"
mmm, from the mouth of babes huh?

Monday, March 5, 2012

So the ultrasound was today..always fun, er, not..

But the good news is all is clear and squeaky clean, lining perfect, no pollops or anything else icky. It was pretty cool seeing an egg sitting there ready to be released. Ayla wasn't happy as she couldn't sit on my lap and watch 'TV' haha!

Then she decides to bend down and see what the 'lady was doing' oh my, a little off putting having my daughter see where she came from..funny!

one more hurdle and then the wait :)

When IM gets back from her work trip to Perth we will get those bloods done :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Well this last week has been awful. Nothing to do with the surrogacy, so I wont go into it. But its left me drained and doubting myself. I even got to the point of thinking, what if I stuff this up and bring bad luck to the ips?? Lets just say Ive had a rough time this week.

Thank you to all my lovely friends and my kids and of course dear husband, for pulling me out of my black hole and shaking me hard.

I chatted to IM on Monday, I was quite distracted, but I vaguely remember I promising I would call her again. I have the Ultrasound now on Monday...due to lovely female reasons ;)