These are some great kids books on Surrogacy. I plan to buy a couple down the track a little for my youngest two. (They are 5 and 2.5) I am guessing they will help explain a bit better then mummy will...
This is how I explained to my 10 year old:
" You know P and J?, Well mum is going to have a baby for them. The doctors will use a part of J and a Part of P (even though its a donor egg, I felt that was a wee bit too informed for Mr 10!!) and will make a tiny baby in his office. Then Mum gets to go and have the baby put into her tummy and I will grow it. It wont be your brother or sister, but you can help mum out, helping to grow the baby. When the baby is born it will get to go home with his or her mum and dad which are P and J. "
SO then he explains back to me:
"So a Dr cooks up a baby, puts it in you and you poo it out and someone else takes it home? Oh good, all that crying again would drive me nutso!!"
mmm, from the mouth of babes huh?
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