Some back ground info on me and my decision to become a surrogate here in Australia. Firstly, I am on the beware of auto correct!!
When I was 21 I gave up for adoption a baby boy. No regrets here, and meeting his new parents for the first time just blew me away. The overwhelming love and gratitude these strangers felt blew me away. In fact it was then and there I decided if Surrogacy ever become legal in Victoria (at the time Canberra was the only state it was legal) I would be a big part of it.
Fast forward 10 and a bit years, a wonderful marriage and three children and here I am!
My husband knew this day was coming as it was one of the things we talked about when we first met. He has always been a factor of strength and support in anything I set my mind too and this has been no exception.
DD was about a year old when we decided this was it. Our last baby! I then spent the next month googling, reading and reaserching on everything surrogacy, Aus surrogacy, IVF and where the victorian law stood. I decided yes, I was really ready to do this!
My first journey stalled here in Victoria. My wonderful IM, I believe, got the short shift. Lots of red tape that was Not getting any closer to being cut through. After travelling along with her for about 6 months we decided we both needed to move on. It was here I learned that Victoria is indeed a very tough state to use surrgacy to achieve a dream of having a child.
I met my next IM through a friend I met through a surrgacy group. First time I rang P, we clicked. I can't believe we spent so long chatting on the phone, it was like we had known eachother for years and years! Yes, I do believe in things happening for a reason. We met in person and her lovely husband J.
We have had many a dinner and hang out, all four of us and somtimes the kids too. Infact J babysat the kids while P and I went and saw her Gynacologist! They love him!
Legal paperwork was sorted through and lawyer met on both sides, a different laywer for each of us. Power of attorney and wills t's crossed and i's dotted.
Counselling was interesting! My poor hubby had been working around the clock and found it hard to fill out the questainair! My eldest DS was required for a half hour session as well.
Yes I do explain to the kids, DS, 10, understands. DS, 5 kind of understands and DD, 2 has no clue!
The latest meeting was with the IVF doctor. About 35 minuets, via Skype. The clinic is based in Sydney, as my IP's were based there and will return there later. They are in Victoria for work for a length of time.
I have an appointment with the clinic councillor on Wednesday. So technically we are in the home stretch now.
I started this blog to keep track for myself and other aussies interested in the process and perhaps entertaining the idea of becoming a surro themselves.
All Australian surrogacy is "Aulteristic" meaning compensation is not received. Everything to do with the surrogacy is paid for by the IPs but I do draw the line at P trying to pay me petrol money!! She's so cute!
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