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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Councelling - am I crazy?

I hope not..well maybe I am slightly, I do have many a dog and 3 children...

Counselling was just that...our first session was 3 hours..yes, really. 1 hour together with hubby, 1 hour him, while I did a 50 million page questing (which asked very subtly and not so subtly if I had any plans to kill and then we swapped.

Pretty straight forward. Poor DH had just been working many hours straight and had had about an hours sleep, so he was NOT very patient with the questionnaire... that came back at us..

P and J had thier councelling another day, smae routine. Then another day i bought my eldest son in for half an hour to chat with her.

Again we had to comply by the rules of NSW surrogacy, which does differ from the Victorian ones.

The we had a group session to go over results..LOL!! OMG, J (IF) and my DH where so funny. I could see her getting a bit frustraighted (she looked fresh out of UNI actually~!) and the results..really...DH came back "unreadable" we were laughing, then got worried as she kept asking him if he didnt want me to do it etc..I could tell he was getting annoyed with her and he told me later that he was ready to get up and say "look lady, I had 1 hour sleep and your paperwork kept asking if I wanted to hunt out the steak knifes and kill myself in more then 10 ways! If I didnt want to bloody be here I wouldnt!!"

Turns out later I found out from chatting with P that with J paperwork he too took the piss (joked) about and it came back with slight concerns about him being a "drug user" OMFG!! Seriously, he was meaning yes he used panadol and Nurofen!! We think she had a big of a god complex here....but anyhoo, it was all good and it all got done and,

Councelling ...check

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