So The Tuesday after my Asthma appointment I had a Physio appointment near the Royal Woman's with a lady that 'specialises' in Pelvic Dysfunction.
Was running late to get to IPs as just barely missed being in a car scene stuff...the car slewed past and cut across me before crashing into a driveway and car parked in it. I pulled over quickly and ran across thinking there would be not a happy picture. Luckily guys were fine, but shaken. Seems the car they had been on a test drive with (2006 Alfa) had gone out of control, they had no power steering, no brakes and no air bags..was nuts. Left details with police and continued to IPs. They were getting worried as I am usually early or on
Ayla hung out with John again (big grin and cuddles, she thinks he is the ants pants!) and Pam and I headed into the city.
Slightly late for appointment. Was ok, but didn't teach me anything I wasn doing already to minimise pain and acceleration of the disorder. Oh well. Nice lunch and chat and then home again.
Cant believe I am 17 weeks today (Monday) Pretty cool. Its going fairly fast :)
While away showing over the weekend It came to my attention that my friends were being asked "what I was being paid" I did know that this would come up sooner or later. Doesn't bother me, its a legit question. :) Also like I am sure there are plenty who will not believe I am not being paid at all too. Meh. I did post on my FB page the explanation about Australian Altruistic surrogacy.
I am also a member of the Surrogate Australia FB page and it seems there are woman offering their 'services' for large gifts (car/holiday etc) or an amount of money. See, this is why I'm not a fan of compo. There will always be a % of people to exploit those desperate to have a baby.
Here below is what I was a little shocked to read..but not surprised :"(