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Monday, April 27, 2015

Charlotte Rose 04/10/2013

Here is the end of the other Surrogacy!
Things got a bit crazy and I forgot to keep blogging.

After Acupuncture and doing lots of upside down and bum up sitting...little baby girl was still breech!
We had a false alarm where I ended up in the Labour ward on a machine to track contractions, they died down after a while and I was allowed to go home.  We had J and P on the phone this whole time, telling them just to wait and not jump in the car yet.

A c-section date was set.

Due to many crossed wires within the hospital, (this is WHY communication is essential!) the Maternity nurses and hospital somehow got it into their heads that we (IM and I) were fighting and angry at each other!!  Poor IM was literally stopped at the doors of the hospital by the managing directer and told that Social Services may need to be called!! Luckily she is a tough cookie and barged through and up to my room...We were both WTH is going on?!  It was a bit stressful.

Soon the dust settled and my lovely orderlies came in with my gown and cap and explained what was going to happen.

(He had actually come in on his day off to be there!  He was at the very first surrogacy the hospital had many years ago.)

I was taken in and given a Epidural with my sweet husband by my side holding my hand.

Baby Charlie was born.  6lb.  A head of gorgeous dark hair.

I had a Migraine.

Pain meds were great.

That evening I walked/wheelchair with the aid of a nurse from my single room to see her in the nursery. (she needed to stay warm)  

Then I went to see IM in her room.  
Best feeling ever <3

First photo I received from IM when I got home.

I was at a dog show the next weekend! 

Charlie growing up!

Ayla meets "Baby Charlie" <3

Helping out as baby Shusher

Charlotte Turns 1!!!!!

Where are we now? In the last 6 months:

This was our first try.  December 2014, My boys came down and stayed in Melbourne while at my most fertile. (Using Ovulation Predictor sticks) and (Period Tracker)

Sadly it wasn't to we waited for the next month and tried to even the score.

This is my 'kit'.  We have: ClearBlue Advanced Stick, Clearblue Advanced Monitor (Straight from the UK via Amazon), Bulk Ovulation Strips and Bulk Pregnancy Tests. 
 (See my little bag for recipes to keep track of money spent for the Parenting Order.)

I had enough to get me pregnant..with Octuplets!!

Every month we were bang on...all machines and tests looked great.
(Left : ClearBlue Stick Fertility Monitor.  Right: ClearBlue Advanced Fertility Monitor) 
Computer stick said NO.


Put ya legs up in the air! I soon got a 'method' of turkey basting right.  I became a dab hand at it.

But. No Baby.  Seriously.  Ugh.

Things just got serious.

Eggs Ahoy.  Lets get some of them suckers.
Apparently C's sperm and my eggs have 1% comparability rate.  

1. Freaking. %.

So lets up the odds and bring the pain.
Its on like Donkey Kong.

This is the face of determination.  
'My Boys' will be the most AWESOME Daddies ever!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Welcome back to Take 2!

Just making a note of today.  Sharp twingy/stabbing pains in the left of my lower abdomen.  Hopefully it is the start of implantation, or even ovulation itself.

I flew up to Sydney early Monday morning (my alarm was set at 3am to catch a 6am plane!) and stayed the day at IF's place.  As soon as I arrived we did an which I think I had far more of an idea of what I was doing. (smaller syringe size to give more control and exactly where my Cervix was...I liken self insemination to trying to hit Ping Pong balls in the dark with a tiny dark.  This time I was trying to HIT the pingpong ball and not the wall around it!!

Chosen donor (I will call him C) had had all his testing when they had looked into egg donation with a dear friend so all relevant testing had been done as well as a quarantine period.  Sadly the start of the roller coaster of emotions for them in a TTC journey as the embryos that were created did not respond well and couldn't be frozen.  

All paperwork, legals and Counselling has been done over that time, it varies slightly from what is required for a gestational surrogacy but not too much.

This is what is termed as a 'Traditional Surrogacy Journey' where it is my egg that is used.  IVF clinics won't help out with this legally, so my hubby had to be very ok with me 'self inseminating' with another mans biological material.  I think that is the most PC way I can put me I could be a lot blunter ;) here we are today, the TWW.