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Thursday, August 1, 2013

30 weeks! Whoo hoooo!

I was dearly looking forward to my afternoon nap today, luckily Miss 3 went down for her sleep easily so as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out!  Some days I can bearly keep my eyes open!  

Dr from Hospital rang...well for about the 5th time according to my phone, put him on speaker on school pickup.  My Thyroid is still crap and my iron levels are bottomed out...figured that already, so no surprises there.  

Still need to do my gestational diabetes testing, but trying to find a spare 3 hours, not so easy at present!

Hit 30 weeks today, yay!  Almost at countdown stage :)

My pelvis is playing up a bit again, I assume because bubs is gaining weight steadily now.  I have to lift my legs mostly in and out of car and to cross them, lol :)  Slow and steady.

Nothing else exciting to report :)